The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The people who will suffer the most are the ones who are sick and elderly. The economy only serves to fuel the rich and the elite. I donā€™t see people on minimum wage or zero hour contracts caring about the stock markets.

Government policy should be to protect the sick, elderly and less well off, not the economy.

The electorate rejected FG and their economy tunnel vision last time around. Loss of life cannot be made acceptable for putting a few quid in a guys pocket.

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I was the same,layed up for 4/5 days with a fever and the sweat pouring out of me,aching all over.Unusal for me as im very seldom sick.

Oisin is a COTY candidate. A real spoilt bastard snowflake.

With no economy they wont be able to protect anybody.

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I heard that other fuckin nerd at 1 o clock.What a little wanker.

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Of course we can. In this country however, they tend to burden those who canā€™t pay with any problem.

Gas that some lads canā€™t handle an opinionated youngster.

And they talking about ā€œsnowflakesā€.

Tut tut.

How do we pay for it.Monopoly money?

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is not that young

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Nationalise everything, take the resources out of private ownership when they go under. Fuck the elite. Itā€™s time for socialism to take over.

All money is ultimately monopoly money. Governments have the power to create money through central banks. Where it goes is the issue.

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The Iā€™m Alright Jackā€™s want people to die in order to preserve their wealth and interests.

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Oisin wants to get rewarded for his hard work. There are a lot of posters here who dont get up early in the morning.

The Govt have banned all evictions within minutes of my excellent post

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The eldest got it just after Christmas carbon copy of yourself with the symptoms was stuck to the bed for 3 days no appetite high fever chronic cough shortness of breath etc. We have been wondering about it the last few days :thinking:

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The estimated figure for the end of the month (if no measures were taken) Down to 10k now. It was 15k only 2 days agoā€¦ of course, we have been taking measures so hopefully the 30% growth will be broken soon. If not , we will be looking at more strict measures.

Could be worse, will just have to soldier through it and hope for the best.

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People didnā€™t get any form of this covid19 over the Christmas, . You can trace the outbreak. When we get it itā€™s good night irene.