The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

High population density cities are going to be particularly badly hit.

London, New York, Paris of the major world cities.

In the developing world, Mumbai, Kolkata, Dhaka, Lagos, Sao Paolo, Cairo, I wouldn’t like to be living in any of those places right now.

We should be taking the strictest possible measures now. Better to over react.


Downloaded the book waiting for work to shut to reader. €10 on amazon as e book

We’re gonna win this war.

There was a great text from a lady to Pat Kenny earlier bemoaning the fact that she gets nothing now for the 7(seven) grand she spent sending her daughter to the gaeltacht.


Was sent this yesterday. Connected to someone I know on their LinkedIn.
A yank. Same person isn’t too far from prime danger demographic and pretty much all his customer base is older people.

A fuckpot as granny would have said


All you need know about him you’ll find by looking at the fucking head on him.


Christ, the head on the cunt.

Hopefully he gets into that course in the UK and becomes their problem.

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I brought it straight to My cabinet contact pal

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Wow have a link there for most books it’s a Russian site but all you need is an app like lithium to read

Let him repeat so.

Commentators eye

Well done Mary Lou :clap:

where are you seeing this?

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