The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Alan Kelly scolds Pascal for the banks having to go to him and that he didnt go to the banks first.

Fair play to him. He’s obviously improved from the days when he couldn’t get the WiFi to work at his own tech summit.


Grace Kellys young fella has it now too I see

Nor did anyone suggest they did! I just highlighted the similarities in symptoms. As a person who doesn’t get the flu jab, in my 42 years on this planet I’ve only ever got a right dose of the flu probobly 3 times. But it’s notable to say this year’s strain was a right belter.

It’s a great pity that western governments didn’t take notice of what this lad was saying on January 21, and instead listened to the likes of Sidney and others who said “meh, the flu kills lots of people”.

The warning signs were there in mid January, China has done everything they could to suppress information flow as they always do, the doctor who first warned of the severity of the outbreak was threatened with a labor camp (he died of COVID-19 in February). When Wuhan was shut down January 27th, that should have been the red flag to every government world wide to take action, and the first action should have been to halt travel to and from China. How many lives in Italy would have been saved if travel had been stopped?

The only countries who took it seriously were those who had been most impacted by SARS in 2003 and knew how dangerous this could be. Western countries didn’t begin to act until a month later, by which time it was everywhere. We didn’t learn the lessons of 2003, will we learn this time?


Lads what’ll happen in six weeks if we are told to stay in doors but there isn’t an Italy type event? Will keep continue to listen? Will people continue to listen indefinitely?

I hope you often quote the legendary Punky Madden to her . I’ll see you in my office


Breda on Facebook was the same too, saying she thinks she had it over Christmas too.

cc @TreatyStones


Mary’s got a new cough
Waiting for her test
Strolling to the shops She won’t take a rest

Frank her harried husband
Been that way for years
Pleading with her to isolate
And keep the curve down

Oh Mary why don’t you have some sense

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The people who will suffer the most are the ones that will die and the people that love them.

Such a scenario means it is working. Complacency is to be avoided when its slowing down, to avoid a relapse. This is going to be a slow process, even with a good result

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My excel sheet was a bit off yesterday.

For today’s estimate the excel sheet says between 497 and 505 cases. :flushed:

Good to see you bouncing back from last week’s hysteria pal. We’ve got this.

today’s numbers are not that important. It’s next Thursdays

In total?

That would be about 130 or so new cases

If we get below 30% growth rate and maintain it we will be on the road to victory.

yep, I listened to a David mcWilliams podcast and all will be good, once we act responsibly and don’t put the elderly and infirm at risk this will blow over soon enough


We need to know the percentage of positive versus negative tests to determine how prevalent the virus is.

If we are testing say 200 and 150 are positive and that happens to be below 30% then that’s not good. It just means we aren’t testing enough.

you have got to calm down