The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

I didnā€™t have you down as one of the sheep. Very disappointing to see you post like this

In total yeah.

Considering how blaze the English have been towards the pandemic cannot see the season been finished no matter what.

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Weā€™re on the one road singing a song

Says the fucker hanging on McWilliamā€™s every wordā€¦ :grinning:

Iā€™ve a pep in my step today ā€” weā€™ve turned the corner I think. We will not be defeated .

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be a good citizen, do the right thing , let the scientists do their thing

thatā€™s it mate, thatā€™s all we need to do

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wtf are you about, I hate mcwilliams, havenā€™t listened to him in years

I love you bro.

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In fairness that young fella said nothing untrue there. Heā€™s actually looking out for others. Heā€™s saying that kids from middle class households (like most of our own kids live in) will fair far better out of this than others who have no support at home and less space to study etc

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Thatā€™s all we can do.

We are having a discussion on the virus here, thatā€™s all we can do.

What you shouldnā€™t do, and Iā€™d appreciate it if you stopped is make shitty little passive aggressive remarks like that. It reflects worse on you, as I said, i didnt have you down as a sheep

you misread my post mate

Two of Enniscorthys finest sons Ivan Yeates and Enda ā€œSky newsā€ Brady discussing corona virus on Newstalk

Co Wexford to the fore in keeping the public informed

North men, south men, comrades allā€¦

Would you stop. Thereā€™s a chance he could be disadvantaged so heā€™s taken to the national airwaves to whinge about it. Heā€™s not doing it from the goodness of his heart. He couldnā€™t give one shite about disadvantaged students.

Iā€™m personally happy for those students who maybe might have struggled at honours level - and maybe were borderline ordinary level - but now are guaranteed a pass rate at honours. Good on them.

We need to hold our nerve lads.


He knows that there will always be an asterisk beside his A1 in Irish

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Now is not the time for panic.


Youā€™re totally missing the point ffs. They all get 100pc meaning itā€™s now ALL on the written exam. This will not suit the weaker students. I presume the likes of yer man will do far better in the written part than most so not sure how it disadvantages him.
The points he made about students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds are directly on the money I donā€™t care if heā€™s the biggest cunt who ever pulled on a pair of socks.

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Bidda Lordā€¦ The Messiah returns. :ok_hand: