The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

On a call with a colleague today after lunch and he just said his wife, brother and sister in law were all let go at 1. Horrific for anyone. Hopefully it’ll bounch back quickly after it all blows over

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Relax lads. This is what happens when you dramatically increase testing, you dramatically increase the amount of people you find with it. Which is the whole point.


31% hospitalized, fuck that’s high.

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any word on France today?

I was expecting this bounce yesterday … we only stopped schools and bars less than a week ago so we wont see those results until next week… we’ll smash this bastard of a virus.

If that keeps up that’s 4600 in hospital if 15000 cases by month prediction is correct

Yeah that jumped out at me too.

Yes but only 7 people in ICU is the key figure there, guaranteed to be well into their 80s too. (Drama boy will have a go for stating the truth)

I presume the further death was the one so heartbreakingly described by @carnsoreboxer on Twitter.

Read it and learn to respect this thing, and follow every guideline and stay the fook in unless absolutely necessary.

They’ve been hospitalising people to isolate them while the numbers were low. They’ve stopped that now and it’ll only be those who are very sick going forward

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Aer Lingus halving working hours effectively halving pay too

The UK are going to be looking at crazy figures over the next week…

Did mine yesterday

its going to be a breakdown of society

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Their own fault along with the Chinese.

There is a three week lag period between new cases and hospitalisations.

The figures we have now are the ones to watch as regards those in ICUs in three weeks.

And the figures we have now don’t tell the full story.

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We wont see you stuck pal. I’ll post you up some cookies .

55% are male and 43% are female. Is the other 2% Fanta Pants?


Tea cakes preferably

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