The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Yeah - but average people are going to suffer… Whatever Boris’ sins, no one deserves to die here.

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Looking that way alright

Hopefully the majority will be the fat, bald headed, tattooed yobs.

Are people being let go getting statutory redundancy or anything?
I would say the vast majority being just let go straight off would be low paid workers. Better paid in general are able to work from home.
At least if someone on 4 or 500 quid a week will get 200 and have no rent or mortgage to pay.
Richard boyd Barrett was on about paying them all 305 same as sick people. Country will be up to its bollox in debt anyway might as well do that and owe a bit more.

Is the average age of 44 seen as a good or bad thing ??

At least when this is over, we know there will be over 100k jobs for people to return to.

this is the epicentre of the forum at the moment

This is some jump in policy…

The lower the average age of those infected the better.

I have it on good authority that Boris Johnson is currently undergoing a mental breakdown


Britain needs a John Major type in this hour of need.

I was thinking that . The average age trend from here will be interesting . Someone here said the mean is 44 but it is the average . Keep the oldies and vulnerable in and isolated ( physically ) is key .

Dig up Thatchers corpse and wave it around to rally the people.

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Leitrim has fallen.



Does your Mrs not own her own company? Can she still do this?

The better weather today is actually really bad for the spread of this. It makes people complacent.

She’s self employed like yourself pal. Yes, the self employed can.

Any word on numbers tested

But does she run a company? Does she not have to dissolve thay to go on the dole? Maybe I have this very wrong…