The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

That julian Smyth is the man for the job. Act, spend , charge on and worry about paying for it all later.

John Major or Tony Blair.

If your business has had to close due to Covid then you’re entitled to claim AFAIK. Ring citizens advice tomorrow…i think you get a 6 week no questions asked payment…then you have to apply for regular dole and that’s where you might have to be means tested.


Limerick just about holding its position as the state’s 3rd city but under severe pressure from Galway and South Dublin now.

These daily announcements have become the closest thing we have to sport.

@Lazarus & @maroonandwhite are frantically licking every public door handle in sight to overtake the Limerick figures.


I’m sure one of the 2020 City of Culture events will boost… oh wait.

They’ll make a big comeback but will fall just short

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Can’t really talk mate ive both hands on a net tryin to catch bats


Never trust a German

Number of cases is a product of numbers tested. Numbers of deaths and ICU is key for now. We’ve been told this will happen. The important numbers are end of next week when social isolation and distancing should have had an effect


At the moment we’re reporting at just under 20 % of total confirmed cases in comparison to the UK.

If there was one current world leader you would want in charge to handle this crisis, who would it be?

I suspect if you asked reasonable people in Ireland, one name would come out well ahead of everybody else.

And that person is the leader of the free world, Angela Merkel.

He’s been fucked for the last weeks, slipping and stuttering through his speeches.

Your Mrs is probably a sole trader as opposed to a limited company? Don’t think you need to dissolve to claim this in that case. Just claiming for a loss of earnings

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The lad in Singapore

Michael O’Leary.


The virus would owe him a fortune by now


Ehhhh - you are familiar with Boris Johnson?

Farmer my friend, I’m thinking from your posts you are finding all of this difficult but its time for calm if you can. Remember we are expecting 15000 by the end of next week. There is a big big surge coming and we all need to be prepared that this news is coming. Its all about saving as much lives as possible now in this war, supporting our front line and doing what we all can ourselves. Not trying to freak you out but it’s probably best to be somewhat mentally prepared to what we have coming over the next month. We will prevail after it all but it is going to be a tough time


Prepare for the worst. And hope it doesn’t happen.