The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Slightly - heā€™s a blabbering buffoon

For those that believe the narrative that China did a great job containing COVID-19, this is the best timeline I have seen from a neutral and reliable media source. It is blatantly obvious that in the first month Chinaā€™s priority was to hide the outbreak and punish anyone who tried to raise the alarm. Iā€™ve also attached a study from the University of Southampton which concluded had they acted 3 weeks earlier, the spread could have been contained by 95%.

China knew how fast this was spreading and allowed Lunar New Year celebrations go on in Wuhan involving tens of thousands on January 18, allowed five million leave Wuhan before finally locking down the city, and allowed hundreds of millions travel within and outside the country to celebrate Chinese New Year January 24-30.

A great bunch of lads.


My man on the frontline doing the contact tracing has given me June as a realistic date of being back to some sort of normality.


Did you say your Da was a teacher? :fearful:

The vision of axios is to be a mix between the economist and twitter and its editor is the former editor of the Bloomberg LP.

Neutral and reliable :rofl:

More neutral and reliable than the NY times one I posted earlier?

I heard the same from a contact in Infectious Diseases section of Public Health - they reckon June/July before we go back to normal

Said cabinet is split on a full lockdown.

Here you go @anon7035031

The New York Times has become a tabloid like rag that regularly publishes stories and later has to retract them.

You are an absolute clown.

Ok, you really do have anger issues.

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The WHO are almost as culpable as China for not demanding to enter Wuhan and do their own testing earlier.

Yes I get angry at idiots.

If you started listening to Donald McNeil a bit more youā€™d know more. Heā€™s on the Rachel Maddow Show regularly.

Maddow has been superb on this subject for weeks now and has picked the brains of the USā€™s finest scientific minds night after night.

Fox still think the virus is a hoax.

You still think the two are equivalent.

You posted up axios as reliable and trustworthy source, Iā€™d rather be an idiot who knows my limitations, than an idiot who thinks heā€™s intelligent. Guess which one you are?

I wonder have they even tested anyone in Monaghan yet.

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U OK hun?

Your contributions here have been halfwit status for weeks.

Anyway Iā€™ll let it go, no point talking to you.

@anon78624367 has been the best contributor to this thread in my opinion.


Iā€™ve given my opinion. I havenā€™t echoed right wing rhetoric or left wing rhetoric.

Itā€™s nothing to do with rhetoric, itā€™s to do with facts. Iā€™ve followed this outbreak closely from the very first reporting of it. The reason this became a pandemic is because China allowed it to become one, just like they let one almost happen in 2003, but thankfully SARS-1 died out quickly. Anyone who has followed this closely would agree with that.


Sir Winston Churchill

Sorry, missed the word current on first reading.