The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You expect me to believe an employee at the airport over a random person on twitter???

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Tubbers there had Ian McKinley on the radio. Ian is the one eyed rugby player who lives in Treviso. Ian mentioned that matches in Italy where are now being played behind closed doors. Tubbers was fascinated by this he asked what does behind close doors mean. Ian explains it means no spectators. Tubbers is astounded. He had never heard of such a thing. He thinks this might solve everything regarding the Ireland Italy match.

Tubbers finishes up by telling Ian we’ll keep an eye on him.


Are the 5 flights for you, @AppleCrumbled, @anon23727452, @anon59781749 and @anon25556527?


Deaths in France now — and new cases confirmed… tick tock, tick tock

anyone planning to travel outside Ireland in the next 2 months i’d get ahead of the queue and start getting your refund request in now.

Will the big one on Saturday week be impacted?

I also look forward to a Celtic hosting St Mirren.

Hotel in Austria now locked down.

What big one? Celtic v Rangers? ---- You can drive to Scotland via ferry so you dont have to interact with people in the same way you do at airports/flight so you should be ok there pal … just pack a lot of food, water and adult nappies and dont leave the car on the crossing.

edit - bring surgical masks instead of balaclavas this time

A good travel insurance policy will cover any countries that “The Dept of Foreign Affairs recommend you dont fly to”

Should all households be putting a ban on Asian themed take aways?

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Give it a couple of weeks.

The Trumpbots are fucking seething at being called out.

Fucking seething, so they are.

Its lent mate, i’d have assumed that was a given


Please tell me you haven’t been stuffing your piehole with a nice big sweet and sour pork/bat as a global pandemic takes hold?

I dont do sweet pal… No pineapple on pizza, no sweet n sour, no fruit in any capacity with my savoury — it’s deviant behaviour.

Nope one over Monday evening, one over Tuesday morning and then one home Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

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Trump goon Larry Kudlow says everything is grand.

Here’s what Larry Kudlow said in December 2007:


Ah here TUM ↑↑↑


Guess who

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In your professional opinion, Sir, which post would be closer to plagiarism; TUM’s or mine? :grin: