The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party


It originated there, they didnt even know what it was until mid January, they reported it to the WHO in 2019.

Their scientists freely shared their initial research on the virus. They handled it badly but they were ground zero.

Everywhere else in the western world had lead in and still fucked it up. I shudder to think what would happen if it originated here.

This puts paid to the bats and lab generated tinfoil hat rhetoric that is going around.

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This thread should be limited to post from forum heavyweights like yourself

have we collated European figures yet? the Swedish are fudging it

Agreed solid and stable

The Dept. of Employment and Social Protection have announced that they will be changing the weekly payments of social welfare payments

They are going to start paying people on a fortnightly basis. The reason for this is to avoid less visits to Post Offices and reduce infection risks.

The payment in the week commencing the 23rd will be a double week and then the next payment will be in the week beginning the 30th March and then every 2 weeks after that.

Start ate and full details to follow when we get them.

To avoid a 2 week wait for payment – we assume the final weekly payment will be a double payment. We await confirmation of this

You can avoid having to collect payments altogether by requesting they be paid into your bank account. You have to fill in this form and return it – and there will probably be a delay because of all the changes going on at the moment.

More alternatives to Post Office collection

Categories: Coronavirus, Social Welfare

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No it doesn’t
“There are no documented cases of direct bat-human transmission, however, suggesting that an intermediate host was likely involved between bats and humans.”

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its taking a long time to catch up, but your posts so far are outstanding on this issue


We will have to id say


We are not expecting to peak here until early may

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I was about post. :rofl::rofl:

Fair fucks to him sometimes you need to laugh

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It didnt come from chinese lads eating bats

It could of come from any of the wild animals they eat.
Apparently they eat peacocks the lot in wuhan

Ffs. Bats, cats or giant lizard dogs. What’s the difference?

No is the answer. Self employed myself and been going through this all week. Fill in that emergeny form I posted above, if you have staff get them to do it as well and write yourself and them a letter, although I think the letter obligation may have been waived. Provide staff with envelopes and away you go.

If you live near an Intreo office you’re better off dropping it in their box yourself, they don’t want people coming in person, then go through the mail. The above form is emergeny and only for 6 weeks but this gives them time to process everything. In the meantime you print out the normal forms you would fill if you lost your job for whatever reason, in our case this is the JBSE forms, you need to do this and tell your staff to fill relevant forms as this looks like it will go on a lot longer than 6 weeks.

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See, everybody knows China made big mistakes early on. The main reason they did that is they are an authoritarian regime where those who speak up tend to get vilified. That happened. But when they faced up to the reality that they did indeed have a big problem, they pulled out all the stops and their measures since then have been exemplary. It doesn’t excuse their negligence in the early stages, but they did buy the world time and they did firmly warn the world what was coming.

@labane1917 can’t do nuance. In his world everything is like Rocky IV, good versus evil, America always good, the commies always evil.

America now has the exact problem that China has. Which is that they have an authoritarian regime where science and truth are rejected, and those who speak up against the cancerous ideology of the regime get vilified.

China copped on they had a problem yonks ago, way back into January. When did Trump cop on America had a problem? Three days ago?

Trump banned flights from China not because he cared about public health - he didn’t - but as a racist dog whistle. Italy banned flights from China too, it made no difference. Each measure was token, at least Italy took it for non-racist reasons.

Trump called the virus a hoax and said it would go away of its own accord like a miracle and refused to test because it would affect the stock market and vilified a whistle blower in California and destroyed his own pandemic response team two years ago. He’s now deliberately trying to turn this crisis into a racist “blame China and the Chinese” pile on. The whole thing is so predictable yet so tragic.

A leader is there to provide leadership in a crisis. Trump has provided none. America has a large proportion of the finest scientific minds in the world, and he has undermined them at every turn. A very large amount of Americans think the whole thing is a hoax or nothing to be worried about because of him, and because of Fox News and the rest of the insane right-wing industrial bullshit machine in America.

It’s the same story as Trump’s racism emboldening racists the world over. WORDS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.

Those who do not support him rightly don’t trust a single word he says. In a crisis where everybody needs to pull together, he is the single worst person in the world you could think of to “lead”, because he can’t lead.

Leo Varadkar’s leadership in this has not been perfect, he has been slower to move than I would have liked and the Irish response has been lacking in some areas. But what you can say about him is that people largely trust him on an extremely serious issue like this, they trust he will act in good faith, they trust he won’t reject science, they trust he will do his best. His speech the other night was not perfect. It didn’t introduce any new measures. But it did have a value because it was statesmanlike, it was leader-like, you knew he actually meant what he was saying, and it reinforced a sense of responsibility and togetherness in Irish people that everybody had their part to play. It reinforced a sense of cohesive and congeniality in this society. And that’s essential in this crisis.

Trump and Johnson have none of that.