The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

This is my household now

This Guy?



The Iron Lady would have been a great leader in such a crisis

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He can say it, but be aware Sid will tweet it to Ray Darcy


You can please some of the people some of the time and all that malarky. Government were going to get a kicking on this whatever way they went

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It came from bats poo but went through an intermediary species first.

In the case of SARS and this coronavirus outbreak, bats were the original hosts. They then infected other animals via their poop or saliva, and the unwitting intermediaries transmitted the virus to humans.

ā€œBats and birds are considered reservoir species for viruses with pandemic potential,ā€ Bart Haagmans, a virologist at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands, told Business Insider.

In the past 45 years, at least three other pandemics (besides SARS) have been traced back to bats. The creatures were the original source of Ebola, which has killed 13,500 people in multiple outbreaks since 1976; Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome, better known as MERS, which can be found in 28 countries; and the Nipah virus, which has a 78% fatality rate.

The coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan has so far killed more than 910 people and infected more than 40,500. When researchers compared the genetic code of the new coronavirus with other coronaviruses, they found it to be most similar to bat coronavirus samples. In fact, a study published February 3 found that the Wuhan coronavirus shares 96% of its genetic code with coronaviruses circulating in Chinese bat populations.

Experts havenā€™t yet confirmed the intermediary animal species that enabled it to spread from bats to people, but they have some guesses.

A group of researchers from South China Agricultural University announced Friday that samples of coronaviruses taken from wild pangolins ā€” endangered mammals that resemble scaly anteaters ā€”and those from infected coronavirus patients are 99% identical. This suggests the pangolin could have been the intermediary host, but the research has yet to be published or confirmed by other experts.

Bats pass along viruses in their poop: If they drop feces onto a piece of fruit that a different animal then eats, the creature can become a carrier.

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Worth a look

You are simply wrong, they were aware on January 1 that it was a SARS like virus. All they told the WHO in China on December 31 was that they had an unknown pneumonia illness. Yes, the Chinese scientists tried their best by publishing online, if the Chinese government could have they would have stopped that as well just like they threatened any doctor who raised the alarm in December and early January.

There was zero reporting of this outbreak within China until Xi went public on January 21, even though he was aware and involved as early as January 7. The WHO knew a lot about this outbreak in early January, knew it was SARS like, and didnā€™t visit Wuhan until January 21 (their own timeline). Thatā€™s three weeks that went by, three weeks when the spread could have been contained by 95%.

You are buying into the Chinese narrative of how well they have done. Yes, they imposed draconian measures from late January onward, but by then it was too late. The evidence for that is that it is all over the globe, literally everywhere except Monaghan.

The bottom line is once they knew it was SARS like, and they knew on January 1, they should have demanded the WHO come in and ask for help from the CDC, who were the ones who shut down the Ebola outbreak in 2014-16.


Is it cause they keep eating random wild animals ?

Correct. It originated in bats, like SARS-1, and then hopped to an animal like a civet cat. Civet cats are sold in wet markets and eaten. Itā€™s not from eating an animal that the virus spread to humans, itā€™s from handling dead animals.


Itā€™s the handling of wild animals, slaughtering practices, hanging them in outdoor markets, etc.

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Does that article not say that it was more less spread from bats , via a host, to humans?

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Thanks mate, as you know it can be a tough struggle on here.

I work in a business unit with about 300 workers . We have three individual unlinked cases. I suspect the numbers in london are about to explode.

Itā€™s how they store and slaughter them in those wet markets. Bats beside pangolins for hours then slaughtered beside each other. Itā€™s crazy shit.

Revenge of the Pangolins.


I was referring to the rhetoric that says they got it from eating bats, which is doing the rounds

The western world eats battery chickens that are genetically engineered not to have any feathers.

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