The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Did you leave cans alone with @anon61878697?

we didnā€™t know each other

No harm in a bit of work travel from time to time. Some head space and all that


Ladā€™s, Iā€™m not feeling great.

Avoid your daughter for the next 2 weeks

Can you send away for this thing? I want to get it out of the way.

Ah itll be constant with the new job. But I like it. Particularly living with 3 women, a couple of days away per week clears the head. The only thing is, youd get sick of hotel dinners.

Go into a local chinese takeaway and start rubbing off people.

Excellent, you can cash in here as there is no stipulation on Geography. There will be a small referral fee for this and subsequent contractions.

Ah right. I didnā€™t realise you overnighted most weeks too while away working. Assumed youā€™d a regional job.
I usually try pick a hotel with a gym or pool if I can. Donā€™t always get the time however! Of course, you crave greasy food then also after a long day

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Take care of yourself mike


The Jews will save us.

For how much?

Super , We can all expect it will be distributed via the usual charitable avenues that usually champion the causes of the poorer nations when affliction strikesā€¦wait a minute :thinking:

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I canā€™t believe anyone pays cash any more.

Viruses live very well on paper money.

You think the Israelis should vaccinate all the poorer countries in the world first before themselves?

Iā€™m sure itā€™s costing a lot to develop but when itā€™s available the onus is on governments to purchase it and make it available for free or a nominal cost. The flu vaccine is available free here in pharmacies every year, I assume the same is true in Ireland.

From a commercial perspective that would make perfect sense, yes.

Throw in a search to the Google box as to where the outbreaks are concentrated and then open a second page and google box the worlds most wealthy economies.

The problem here is that while the government may provide it either free or at a nominal cost, the gps will still charge 60 notes for the visit.