The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

You think that will be the same in four or five weeks time?

If true thatā€™s a good example of the inefficiency of the Irish health care system, thereā€™s absolutely no reason why a visit to a doctor should be required to get a vaccine.

No idea but weā€™ll certainly find out although as a precursor I do find the notion odd that at this point there is not even a vague correlation between Italy and any part of North Africa in terms of cases/numbers/potential cases.

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I got the flu vaccine in the pharmacy a couple of months back. No need to visit the GP for it.

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We get it free in the office. Itā€™s an investment for any business.

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Time to cancel the St Patrickā€™s Day festivities.

Theres some commitee set up to look at large events and whether or not they should go ahead.Patricks day is one theyā€™re looking at. Theyā€™ll probably give their reccomendation March 18th

Any word on the Einaudi gig yet?

Itā€™ll be March 18th 2022; eoghan Murphy is the chair

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Trust the yids to be the first to profit from it.


Whatsapp is great all the same.

Lads I just logged into my emails ON MY DAY OFF.

Iā€™m reliably informed that the risk in the airport itself is quite low and staff donā€™t need to wear PPE. Hand hygiene seems to be all thatā€™s required at this time.

Iā€™m actually going to work tomorrow so Iā€™ll update the forum then. Iā€™ll take it nice and handy anyway, just in case like


Nice and handy?

I wouldnt use your hands at all mate

Didnā€™t here anything. Are you going?

Trust the Jews to be at the forefront of advancement, 130 of the 720 Nobel prizes awarded since 1900 went to Jews. Thatā€™s 18% of Nobel prizes and they are roughly 0.2% if the worldā€™s population.

Imagine how many they would have won if Europe hadnā€™t wiped out half of them in 1939-45.


Time to prepare for post containment phase lads

Who or what is Europe?

I can provide a 1939 - 45 version if you want to be more precise.