The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

They are testing it on a few Palestinians at the moment.

Sad to see Kevin Myers-esque anti-Semitism here. The poster in question has almost trademarked it at this stage.

Are they putting it on the tip of a missile and firing it across?

That is some amount of waffle.

no, just this entity Europe that supposedly killed a load of Jews.

I think the EU did it, at least that’s what batshit crazy Yanks tell us.

Ennis will be the (plague) corona virus hospital for the Midwest. Most likely.

I’ve got coronavirus fatigue lads. What’s next week’s fad? Any auld bushfires on the go in Australia.

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Here you go, pretty much every country in continental Europe either collaborated in the holocaust or did the killing themselves. Roughly 25% of the total number of Jews killed before any death camps were established.

They’ll still claim its anti semitic they didnt get 50% of them

That’s my point, they would have got 50% if Europeans hadn’t killed half of them.

Why did the Dutch, Norweigans and Belgians kill Jews?

The Irish were notorious for killing Jews, but it depended on whether they were Catholic Jews or Protestant Jews.

Will we be working from home within 7 days?

Social media has a lot to answer for.

TFK Exclusive - 6 confirmed cases in Ireland. The Clayton Hotel in Pierce Street is in LOCKDOWN!

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Poland, the Czechs, Hungary and Ukraine were the main offenders at actually killing their own Jews, the countries you mentioned and France, etc. collaborated by willingly handing over their Jews for slaughter.

This is undisputed, violent anti-semitism was rife in Europe even before the war, every continental European country shares blame for the holocaust, some more so than others obviously.

Stick to the virus let’s not get sidetracked talking about a war 80 years ago



Worry about the genocide still going in the country you live in…