The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

There was a doctor on Newstalk this morning who said you would have to be within one meter of someone infected for at least 15 mins to contract it yourself.

Some bird in Japan got it twice.

Hes all for viruses you could say?

The dirty bitch.

Itā€™s bedlam in Douglas courtā€¦ Couldnā€™t get parking for ages. Hand sanitizer delivered and sold out in boots in 20 mins this morningā€¦ Queues 10 deep at each till in Dunnes. Itā€™s like Christmas eve numbers wise.

The Irish :grin: cant wait for the zombie apocalypse.

Iā€™m off till Tuesdayā€¦thought Iā€™d avoid the hysteria today but landed right in itā€¦tomorrow will be nasty, there will be violence in stores all over the country.

The rations will be in place by Monday. Everything from hand gels, to pasta, to tissue paperā€¦all of it out of stock.

I cant wait to see some cunt in the street with a face mask.

tbf, thereā€™s also a weather warning in place so people are just getting out now.

no regular hand wash, paracetamol or condoms in Dunnes.



FFS sake I knew I should have said I was busy when you texted yesterday.

Iā€™ve a heap of hand sanitizer here at work, 100 odd bottles. Would 100 quid a pop be too cheap if I was to sell it?

Iā€™ve 2 condoms nearing their expiry date if youā€™re stuck

Itā€™s not my birthday till November pal so Iā€™m alright.

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My facemask/respirator arriving on Monday. I fear it may be too late

No doubt made in China by some lad with the Corona Virus

20 mins queuing for tillsā€¦ Most queues back into the ailes

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