The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

@Mac hasn’t even had the decency to respond to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy.

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It was bizarre. Copper Pipe put up an article about measures the church would take to combat the corona virus. You decided to interject with a post about paedophilia. That’s not in context.
You then projected that I was defending paedophilia. That’s also bizarre.

is that a hoax?

This guy right here is exactly what is wrong with todays society, take off your tin foil hat you utter imbecile! :laughing:

Yet you couldn’t explain why, and merely shouted “imbecile”.

That, ironically is exactly what an imbecile does.

Imbeciles also believe that all governments in history have had the best interests of their people at heart - especially ones that believe in mass disinformation as a concerted strategy.

So obviously you believe exactly that.

You are both equally a fanatic and a fantasist, please stay locked in your room for the safety of the general public.

Why was it bizarre? Because I have your number in a big way and piss you off, isn’t it?

Well, tough shit, ladeen.

If you think a perfectly reasonable post is bizarre, it’s clear you’ve led a very sheltered life indeed.

What’s it like to exist in a world where you think everybody is a fanatic and a fantasist - except actual fanatics and fantasists, like you do? I bet anything it involves a long time self-isolating. :grin:

Luckily for you, the Coronavirus won’t change anything about your life.

You more than likely reside inside a bomb shelter.

You need to get out of that fantasy world. I’d say you imagine a lot of things.

This is fascinating to watch.

Running out of material mate? You tired today? Your previous incarnation could at least make some sort of half hearted attempt. Id say you are a woeful chess player.

I don’t play chess. But I know you are a mere pawn.

Pawns become Kings my friend, whereas you will forever reside in your castle, oh and ah that’s check…mate.

A minute ago you were telling me I live in a bomb shelter. Now you’re telling me I live in a castle.

You need to make up your mind, my friend.

Stay off the codeine, like a good lad.

Now if we could keep this thread on track rather than the usual loons driving it into the depths of political tripe then that would be great.

You’re the person that derailed the thread. You responded to a perfectly reasonable point with abuse, because you had nothing else.

You have contributed nothing of value whatsoever to this thread, so you’d be as well off to not post on it again, and leave it to adults like myself.

How countries deal, or do not deal, with outbreaks of disease is inherently political. It is perfectly reasonable therefore that political points are made - at least if you don’t live in an anti-free speech echo chamber - as you so clearly do.

All you want to do is whinge about Trump at some stage or other, it’s all you ever offer bar copying and pasting facts from around the INTERNET to boost your fragile self confidence. Why don’t you go tell me who scored the third goal in the 1954 Hungarian cup final there seeing as it’s all you can contribute. I don’t want to push you too hard incase you throw your toys from the pram again, God knows you will never recover from the last time :smile:


It was bizarre because you decided paedophilia had something to do with the corona virus thread because the word church was used.
No amount of ‘you said x…so you mean this… I own you…blah blah blah …’ ramblings will change that.
Good man Sid. You’re full tank on it tonight. I’ll be leaving this now. I’m off to see Mango and Mathman.

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Let him off. It kills him when he’s not the center of attention, and like the coronavirus he has to infect every new thread he sees. The site badly needs a feature where trolls like him can be thread banned.