The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

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Even by your standards this is a tremendously strange outburst indeed.

Why do you have a problem with bringing up Trump?

As I said, the handling, or lack of, of international pandemics is an inherently political issue and something that’s entirely reasonable to bring up. Trump is handling it disastrously.

In other words, you think a US president calling the issue “a hoax” and telling everybody that things are under control even though they manifestly are not and despite the US not even having working testing kits, is a topic that shoud be off limits - as does @anon7035031.

This is plainly because the hard truths about the Trump regime’s utterly incompetent handling of the issue deeply offend both you and him becasue you have hithed your wagons to bizarre internet personas which will defend Trump to the death. A cult.

Neither you or him get to decide what’s discussed here. You may think you do, but you don’t. This is an entirely legitimate issue of discussion and frankly any thread which doesn’t discuss it might as well not exist because it’s avoiding a massive elephant in the room.

You’re lucky to be posting here at all you cunt


Come on @Rocko - step in here and ban him like you did before.


The anti-free speech loonies are out in force now. This guy in particular has a litany of toxic stuff to his name on the internet. A vile reptile.

Take a break Sid.


This isn’t a democracy. You’re here at the whim of a gentleman who operates the site, which you attempted to get shut down.


Where’s the evidence of this?

Are you hallucinating?

Fuck yourself. You should be treated with nothing but contempt

Four more glorious years of Trump is coming @Dziekanowski, how you like them apples?

To be fair, I wouldn’t take anything he says too seriously and I hope no others do. The man isn’t well

Who are you to say that?

And why? Just because I make some points you don’t like?

No offence, but you’re coming across like a raving lunatic, like a lot of others here.

I couldn’t give a fuck on your views on Trump

You told a guy he rapes his cancer stricken wife and then tagged journalists in an attempt to get the site shut down.

You are an absolute despicable cunt and have zero moral high ground here anymore. And I’ll never let you forget it.


I’m sorry?

You’re absolutely nuts. :grin:

Have you been tested for the Coronavirus?

Anyone seeking to politicize a human tragedy like this unfolding pandemic is basically a scumbag. The far left loons are out in force on Twitter blaming Trump for the outbreak, even calling it Trumpvirus. These people are scum of the earth, essentially dangerous loons that only have a voice because of the Internet.

Whatever his failings, and they are many, Trump acted swiftly and decisively early on to ban travellers from China or quarantine Americans returning from impacted areas. This has undoubtedly slowed the spread to the US and likely saved dozens of lives. The loons are seething that these people didn’t die so they could blame Trump. If Italy had done the same maybe 1,000 wouldn’t be infected and 29 dead.

When a vaccine is found it will be the NIH and CDC at the forefront as always, two incredibly well staffed and funded organizations. The lies spread by the left wing media in the past week about CDC funding and “silencing” NIH scientists has been disgusting, the head of the NIH has been on MSNBC the past few nights just to refute this absolute nonsense.

Don’t feed the troll.


You’re utterly clueless.

Heads of government have a moral responsibility to do everything possible to protect their people from pandemics. The US government is an anti-science disgrace, has called the issue “a hoax”, is not testing on anything near like the scale needed, and is lying through its teeth to its people pretending things are just fine when they are indisputably not.

This is exactly the same thing that happened in 1918, when US officials lied to the people about the Spanish Flu.

This is inherently political and no amount of pathetic crying from you in a desperate attempt to spin for the child emperor you idolise can hide that fact.

This is one of the most basic things anybody could understand. That you can’t grasp it shows a callousness for human life that is truly disturbing, it’s tantamount to trolling.

I know I’ve replied to you here, but people like you really are not worth replying to, because you have no real interest in the subject and are only interested in playing Goebbels for an utter disgrace of a man who is putting the lives of millions at risk through sheer wanton callousness.

Take a break from the keyboard.


You told a man he rapes his cancer stricken wife and then tried to get the forum shutdown in a huff. You have zero moral high ground here.

I just want to know if @Batigol is alright? Has he used his hand gel?