The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Does anyone know what the story is with travel insurance?
Is there any point in buying it now for a summer holiday already booked?

Pearse Doherty says NO

The government and local authorities in Wuhan suppressed the seriousness of the virus for 6 weeks. They allowed a pot luck dinner festival for the lunar new year to go ahead in Wuhan, this attracted over 40,000 families and is probably the main reason that the virus took such a serious hold in the area.

Total deaths worldwide is now 2990, it will probably be over 3,000 by tomorrow night.

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If the Dept of foreign affairs deem the area to be a risk then some insurance policys will cover this eg VHI for example. If you decide not to travel yourself, no cover.

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How many has regular influenza killed this year?

Death rate for influenza is around 0.1%
Death rate for CoVid19 is between 1 - 2%.

Death rate for confirmed cases is 2%. How many lads have had it and haven’t presented with mild symptoms. I’d say you’re looking at significantly under 1%

Once theres a vaccine its sorted

We are a year, at least, away from a vaccine

Do we have anyone from TFK on the case?

The Dunph died from it

is there a vaccine for infleunza? I think not

u d wonder about getting a vaccine for Coruna

I get a flu jab every year.

once you get the flu though, there fuck all u can get to kill it?

Are you a simpleton


I think he’s buff Egan in disguise

Well that’s pretty obvious.
But until theres a vaccine a 1% rate is still significant. I dunno what the rates of asthma are like in other countries but you’d imagine this must be a serious risk to people with it.

Anyone with respiratory issues and elderly people. Its terrifying at the moment.

Ok guys

A lot of wild speculation

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5 to 10 per cent of cases require hospitalisation. That is why it is being taken so seriously.

The hope is it is seasonal like flu and by time it comes back at end of year we’ll have a vaccine