The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Male mortality is 2.8% female is 1.7%. It goes up to 15% for older people

They’ll be getting a bullet in the back of the head when this is over.

A daily morning tfk headcount mightn’t be a bad idea at this point, and maybe @Copper_pipe could run some sort of book etc??


I know someone who has asthsma and is the wrong side of 40. Should I just put him out of his misery now?

Mortality rate for ordinary influenza is around 2%.

@Tank, I act the big man online at times but I love my son more than anything and I don’t want to die. What are we going to do?

We still don’t have a vaccine for SARS-1 and that was in 2003. Now admittedly there will be huge effort into developing a vaccine for SARS-2 given how infectious it is and the likely catastrophic effect on health care facilities worldwide, but it will take at least several months even if it is fast tracked.

There’s also the issue of how effective the vaccine will be, the virus will continue to mutate, and like the flu might need a new vaccine every year to match it’s profile. Given how quickly it is spreading there’s a strong likelihood this is a new respiratory disease that will be around for the foreseeable future. How dangerous it is, like the flu, depends on how it mutates.

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Homo sapiens rip. 10000bc to 2020. We had a good run as a species in fairness. Take that dinasours ye cunts


That’s the data from the study of 74,000 infected and treated in China. As others have said who knows how many were infected but never diagnosed or treated. It certainly seems more infectious and more virulent than the great majority of seasonal flus, but nowhere near the mortality rate of the Spanish flu or the deadly H5N1 flu which thankfully isn’t very infectious.

That’s just not true at all mate. Are you spreading fake news?


The Italian rate is 2% though, however, I believe it infected a hospital with the elderly in it?

SK is far lower (thus far).

Those are the two to watch you’d think. Can’t trust the Chinese numbers at all.

Hes going to say trump said it so it must be true, or some such Republican zinger. Wait. 3.2.1


Of course it’s not true.

But I’m only spreading official US information.

The actual mortality rate is more like 0.1%, I think it may be slightly less than that even.

And we can trust US numbers apparently. Lolz. :smile:

Depends entirely on the flu in question. The average seasonal flu has a mortality rate of 0.1% in the US but perhaps higher worldwide. Now and again a bastard of a flu comes along, the Spanish flu was 10-20% although admittedly before we had vaccines or antibiotics to treat secondary infections, and the H5N1 flu was as high as 60%.

Diamond Princess looks to be perfect test scenario re mortality rates as everybody was tested onboard

When you look at how many people from other countries have come from Italy and have tested positive for the virus the fucking thing must be absolutely rampant over there.

That means either, before the 14 days are up (i.e. over the next week and a bit) that the number of cases is going to explode or else that a large number of people can be carriers of the virus without feeling any great effects from it.
Either way, it’s going to keep spreading

You can only calculate it when you know all those infected have recovered fully though

What was the age demo on that though? Cruises would generally be older.

Was Diamond Princess a typical cruise ship scenario i.e. “Newly Weds & Nearly Deads”!
That would scew the data in that a disproportionate amount of the test sample would fit into a high risk category.

It’s accelerated by inherent genetic cowardice