The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Defo a skewed demographic. On the other side, they were also basically all infected while being monitored, which means intervention could start much earlier than in a real world situation

Could you explain the next graph beside that to me. The one with the death rates. I couldnt make sense of it. I assumed the percentages of age range of deaths should all add up to 100?

No it’s the % of people with that sickness who die when they get it.

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The Aran Islands should be one if the last sanctuaries in Europe. I have found this cottage for you and your son on Air BnB, only €40 a night. Thank me by living:


Not sure - not known maybe

Ffs tank. @Bandage has identified you as a suitable surrogate father should he succumb. Put your hand up like a good lad.
A cottage on a cliff. You literally couldn’t make it up.

Guys, it’s important to reassure parents that children are very low risk. Professor Sam McConkey who is a national expert on this is also a Green Party member in Clontarf. He has stated that no child has died worldwide in all the cases. These isolation cases and the school closing is to prevent the possible spread to more vulnerable people. Please everybody reassure any parents you know.


Prof McConkey called this spot on at the start said a global pandemic was inevitable weeks ago

Can you make this public so I can share it hun xoxo

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@Bandage already lives in an area which is likely to be consumed by sea level rise within a short time.

A cottage on a cliff sounds a good deal better, to be fair.

I think (mistakenly?) everyone is aware this really only has major repercussions for the old and the vulnerable (already sick and specifically pulmonary illness) but the the potential passage of contamination is greatly increased when a school is the contagion.

Kids may show little to zero symptoms but yet are likely to be the most socially contagious i.e. most interaction and potential to spread.

I wouldn’t be taking parenting advice from a green party member if I were you!

His peers are all green party members

Cc @Bandage McConkey called this at the end of Jan

So if 20,000 people get it that means around 600 die in Ireland?

It’s not explicit yet or might it be, Irans mortality rate is extremely high comparatively. It has yet to emerge what they are doing wrong, if anything.

What is their death rate? It looks like things are sorted in wuhan but they closed the whole place down down for six weeks. Presumably that won’t happen here so am I right to believe it’ll be much worse here If we keep going as normal.

If you go to Cheltenham you’ll come back in a box it’s that serious.


These all-right-jacks who let their kids go to Italy are getting what’s coming to them. I’ve no sympathy.

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I’ve come home out of cheltenham many times in a box. It’s grand.