The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

That’s an even money shot every year

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Poor personal hygiene

You can’t believe anything out of Iran so far. Similar to the Chinese, they seem to have spent the critical early stages of that outbreak in denial, allowing mass gatherings to go ahead and for things to spiral out of control.

Yeah, potentially although that would attribute itself to spread rather than mortality rate.

60/80 deaths per million of population is likely at this stage

Just received this from the building manager. You can really sense the panic and foreboding nature of the diction; it’s all over the shop.

I’m going home at lunch and not coming back. It’s every man and child for themselves now.

Hard to believe there were lads on here contemplating plucking their nasal hairs and them on the brink of a respiratory pandemic. You literally couldn’t make it up.


You’re already dead

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Will they cancel their muhamadan masses?

How do you pronounce yer man’s surname?


I’m going with the sexy way…

Sure the soccerball and volleyball were only curtain raisers for stonings and beheadings

The local secondary school, who have been looking forward to ripping up the powder on the slopes of Mount Damavand, will be devastated with this news.

Mary Flu McDonald.


The Indo will somehow manage to hang the coronavirus on Sinn Fein. They will link it back to a particularly snotty Gerry Adams sneeze back in 1975.

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A lad I know thinks he was in contact with a teacher from that school on Saturday.

He has informed his boss and he’s waiting on a response :confused: