The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Yeah, I was surprised to see skiing is a thing in Iran - 2 decent size resorts supposedly but not anything on the European/Alps scale.

Not quite, but almost a Christmas week vibe on the commute. A sparsely populated DART and pretend IFSC territory was noticeably quieter. A good bit more than a little bit quieter but not a complete shut down. Thereā€™ll be mass hysteria by Thursday and weā€™ll all be told to stay at home.

Ah lovely.

The late N11 traffic was busier than normal. Iā€™m wagering everyone was waiting for contact to stay at home and when it didnā€™t come they all bundled away to work

Or everyone is avoiding public transport

Will he be asked to elaborate on the ā€œcontactā€ I wonder. :grinning:

They donā€™t fuck around in China. Tried and sentenced in a matter of days

Professor Crown on now on SOR show.

No general recommendation against travel but suggests cancer patients may wish to postpone discretionary travel.

Worried that if get to a stage large number of patients have the virus, most people wonā€™t get very sick but we may find ICU systems under strain.

Flattening the curve is key. Delay and contain as long as possible.

He likely dead in a week from the bug anyway

Meanwhile Mike Pence has got this in hand

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They need to update their chart, thereā€™s two cases in Ireland

Itā€™s fizzling out.

I knew it would be you

Did he wear a rubber?

Britain VOTED for this!


Common sense would dictate that they shouldnā€™t actually have a physical meeting when they could have a video conference. It would also set a bit of an example.


Iā€™d say I could sell this for 20 euro. Will take 15 for it from a TFK member.