The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

Fair play to the Mongolians and Kazaks :clap:

Fella in the back right mid sneeze!!! They are fucked

Is it an Incubate Together School?


Just drove through Glasnevin there. Teenagers everywhere with big happy heads on them. Not much self isolation going on.

Lads doing the plague tour on their lunch break for the Craic.

The taxi driver who had the passenger with the coronavirus was on SOR. He was driving himself to go for a walk
In China he’d be welded into his house

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Except for the first 6 weeks or so where they didn’t do much.

Its minus 16 degrees in Mongolia today. Your germs would freeze mid-air before they got to someone else.

They were clearly sharpening the axe.

So we are fizzling out?

Nò. It’s only beginning…

You’d imagine the rest of the world will be hitting those Feb 14 Chinese numbers in a day or so and get worse.

Whether we can reverse that curve is the issue.

Looks like we were a week away from avoiding this situation.


Next two weeks will tell a lot. Still some hope it can level off.

Paddys day surely a gonner

What are cheltenhams chances?

It will go ahead imho.

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You are the type of fella on here that people just listen to :pray::pray::pray:


Money will trump public safety here… the gambling lobby will make sure it goes ahead.