The Wuhan Clan - Tony Holohan's Having a House Party

The skiers are the Trojan Horse

so the alloted breaks are our achilles heel?

Pretty much but thereā€™s no possible solution to that

I am fairly happy Iā€™m only working tonight and wonā€™t face any of the 8 or 9 people in Italy that give a fuck about rubby over the weekend

After my unsatisfactory experience the last time round I wonā€™t be staying at in Limerick. I will drive back straight after the match.


North Clare is a cesspit at this stage. Another school closed.
Iā€™ve gone to the border armed with a half hurl to save our patch.


Cusack Park could be like Chernobyl by May for the Munster championship.

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Being quarantined in the Greenhills would be worse than that cruise ship.


Cases confirmed in Birmingham. One had been at a conference in another part of the country.

The brother is in self-isolation. Nth Clare is ground zero



I got a call from someone working in there this morning asking if Iā€™d heard any rumours. I dutifully regurgitated what I read here she then asked was that all and ended the call to go to a meeting.

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Are they gone that soft in Clare that they donā€™t even warrant a whole hurley. :joy:

Theyā€™ve sent home certain staff, who were in a certain part of the ED for a week to self isolate. Even though the HSE advice is two weeks :see_no_evil:

Hopefully the virus knows it wasnā€™t supposed to go out of certain areas

Its grand, sure theyā€™ve loads of staff in the ED

My employer has sent an email asking have we left the country in the past 3 weeks and if we had plans to leave the country in the next 3 monthsā€¦

Tell him to mind his business

Lauren would have plenty of willing volunteers if she needed company during an isolation period.