Things I learned today (Part 1)

Ah nicely done but you’re wrong as happens quite a lot on here :slight_smile:

Paula Radcliffe’s autobiography was written by David Walsh.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy - I thought this might be of interest to you also.

If unfamiliar with laxatives, do not presume your first movement will be your last.


@anon98850436 and I share remarkably similar holiday habits. We almost crossed paths in the Canary Islands earlier in the year and we both appear to be contributing to the Cork economy this week.

Leinster rugby, just like Tyrone GAA, also has 3 stars on their shirt to signify their championship successes.

Not to mention the Maldives some years ago!


Wickford town is on the coast. Always thought it was on the other side of the motorway

I presume you mean Wexlow town?

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Jesus, the brain in gone to mush. The thought of Iarlaith Tannion ating our lads alive has me rattled


50% of the world’s population is older than me. (The other 50% is younger than me).

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35% older than me in the world :unamused:

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@Fagan_ODowd, cheer this man up and throw up your findings…


That there used to be 3 GAA clubs on the yellow road… The biggest being Star and which is referenced in the Young Munster song…‘Star of my soul fade away’

Also, that the GAA and Irish league were linked and when the latter disolved after the Parnellite split the GAA fell apart in many areas, Limerick city being one and Rugby and junior soccer filled the void as is the case today…that’s why rugger is strong in many working class areas of Limerick whereas Cork retained the GAA after the split and the GAA remained strong in working class areas.



This talk of moving to Cork has changed you, mate.

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Start a things that are boring thread there and fuck off away from me.


the actor who played the son in Mary Poppins died when he was 21 :cry:


An interesting story, but Greece joined the EU, or the EEC as it was back then, in 1986.

Joined the euro currency I meant in that post pal

Shay Given now plays for Stoke