Things I learned today (Part 1)

I learned that between the wrap up of the GAA and the rugby world cup I’ll be single by Halloween

That Ivan Yates has some fucking chip on his shoulder

110 people control 35% of the wealth in Russia.

Buttevant is not a village. It is a shithole & significant inconvenience.


Winner rating

Careful what you say around here mate. That’s @Mac’s hero

and avril doyle

His an absolutely horrible bastard, it only re-confirms how sinister DOB is with that cunt on as a mouthpiece in the morning.

On a sidenote, for the first time in my life I actually agreed with George Hook on something when I was inadvertently listening to him on the wireless, he was dead right on the immigrant crisis, hundreds of thousands of these lads coming into the EU every year is not sustainable. They have to sort out their own countries, this mass migration will not end well.

the brits and americans fucked up their countries so they are fleeing

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Why should we pay for their sins though TSG?

To stop people dying.


+1 kids are drowning in the Mediterranean and smothering in the back of trucks ffs. Europe pussy footed around asylum for years, afraid to discuss it, and thousands of bogus applicants are here when places should have been made and kept for real cases like these. The world is about to change beyond recognition though. The situation is so diabolical in the third world people are abandoning countries en masse and seeking a better life,theyve pretry much given up on some countries for good. Cant blame them for seeking safety for their families but we need to integrate them better obviously.

Go to bed, mate

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Go fuck yourself mate

Coming from anyone from a country that has a history of mass emigration, that’s ironic.

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That is the usual line thrown out glas and its a load of shite. As for the migrants it’s absolutely terrible whats happening but north Africa and the middle east need to sort themselves out. Mass migration of different cultures never did and will not work out well for anyone in the longterm.

What about New York the greatest city on earth?

By the way, they’re refugees, not migrants.

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I’d rather not if I’m honest, mate

That is true glas, why are they refugees in the first place though, you’re a well meaning lad but you’re missing the point.

As an example pal look at Libya before and after gaddafi was taken out, that was a functioning North African country until the west took it upon themselves to remove another so called regime. But what they have actually done is caused absolute chaos without any care for the consequences. Its a similar story in Iraq.