Things I learned today (Part 1)

Having said all that, the one cunt they should have taken out(Hasad) they didnt but we all know why

Follow you’re line of reasoning through. “The west” caused the problems you’re saying, so they should accept the results -refugees.

By the way, we’re rich, we can afford them.

Chocolatemice has been singing this for years on here but the capitalists like Runt and Julio keep shouting him down…by 2050 Europe will be over run.

It is utopian to think that and naive to believe it won’t lead to at best social issues and at worst the rise of right wing parties and we know how that ends up


Germany are taking in 800,000 refugees in this calender year apparently. That is crazy stuff and is not sustainable.

Good luck to them. :fearful:

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Germany for the Germans, is that how you’d look at it, mate?

There is no utopia. We consume most of the worlds resources in terms of energy and food. No reason we have any sort of entitlement to that.

Thats a bit unfair. I lived in Germany for four year around the time the wall came down. Yes there are some extreme right wing elemants but in general, they’re too materialistic to give a fuck about who comes in or out

Whereabouts? Pretty cool.

Dusseldorf and Hannover. Didnt like it but came home with the lingo. Never short of work since


to stop kids being beheaded by ISIS

Who is we?


Allowing millions of refugees into a country will destabilise an entire region. This liberal concept of an eye for an eye seems to think because one man lives in a cave then we all should out of solidarity.

When buses start blowing up in London, Rome, Berlin and Barcelona the liberals will be shaking their heads and staring at their sandals.

Do you think you have an entitlement to live longer than someone born in Africa?

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Crab mentality.

Huh? That doesn’t answer my question at all.

The Germans are no mugs. Most of western Europe has an aging population and low birth rates that are not good for a sustainable economy down the line. While it never get much press the fact is that migrants are massively important to western economies. The powerbrokers know this but are happy to keep an anti immigrsnt narrative going to occupy the minds of the average prole and real issues such as wealth inequality and distribution of wealth are ignored. interesting read here for anyone interested and has the time.

Bullet points, or Cliff Notes version, mate, for us people with busy lives and/or only mildly interested.

Aging populations bad. Migration good. Simples.