Things I learned today (Part 1)

Your question is the equivalent of telling a child to finish their dinner because kids are starving in Africa.

My dying won’t save their lives.

It’s telling that you won’t answer the question. It’s equally telling that you seem to think someone is asking you to die. Nobody is.

Do you think you have an entitlement to live longer than someone born in Africa?

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Your question is a straw man which might lure somebody in in a student union :+1:

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I do yes

It’s not a devious question mate. It’s fairly straightforward. You won’t answer it because it exposes you as selfish. It’s nothing to do with straw men or trapping you.

Do you think you have an entitlement to live longer than someone born in Africa?

Entitlement me bollox…it’s survival of the fittest… I live in a more affluent country and deserve to live longer. Bringing in a load of migrants here lessens my chances of survival so I’m wholly opposed to it.


Who armed ISIS in the first place pal, with the hope that so called moderate rebels would overthrow a supposed tyrant but actually secular Assad?

So your solution is to throw up fences and walk away.

My solution would be to leave well alone in the first place, all this regime change that the US and others have been carrying out has done nothing but completely destroy that region.

Which is the root cause of this humanitarian tragedy.

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So your solution to the current humanitarian crisis is to wind back time and stop it happening in the first place. That’s not a cop out at all.


Arsenal are the only team in the top 5 leagues in Europe which have not signed an outfield player (for the senior team) this window.

Its almost as if every other top team have given up this season. I hope it doesn’t take away somewhat from Man City inevitable triumph.

How did you infer that from my Thing I Learned Today?

I wasn’t in any way implying that. I was merely expressing what is a, quite frankly, startling little titbit of football trivia.

I’m merely observing that Arsenal have given up, Liverpool are shit, Chelsea are in disarray and Southampton have fallen off entirely. There’s no one to put up a fight it seems. Cyrstal Palace look decent I suppose, but its really early days to say for sure.

@iron_mike and @ironmoth are 2 different posters

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They both love SuperMac’c so that was an easy mistake.

You can be given out in cricket for obstructing the field. News to me

The hurling final is on today


Postman Pat has a child

Any tips I should be learning today Mac & DB?