Things I learned today (Part 1)

Ireland has a higher murder rate than the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain and France…
Ireland — 1.2/100,000
UK — 1.0/100,000
Fra — 1.0
Italy — 0.9
Spain — 0.8

Most apples you buy are 6-12 months old :eek:

The only safe produce to eat is from your own garden or a supply chain you trust. We have just had the outstanding news that all “premium” (of course) cucumbers of all things are riddled with salmonella. Of course you can bring them back for a full refund, hitting all the fast food shitters along the way. The world is becoming a fucking scary place when you can’t trust a cucumber not to kill you.


The US isn’t the root cause of displacement of people from Syria though. There was a five year drought which destroyed the countryside and farming. It was the start of a movement that culminated in civil unrest against the government. Straw that broke the camels back was when a group of teenagers were engaging in an anti-government protest and were arrested/tortured by the police. Just so happened these kids were well connected and from well to do families. So now you have internal war between the people (manifesting in “rebels”) against Assads army.

That’s the root cause really. Of course you could blame the US for the rise of ISIS, who are marching from the other side and are another concern but it’s not the root cause of the problems in Syria.

I see you read that cartoon that Joe put up at the weekend. I don’t read that but maybe they had a similar set of events up i don’t know.


When Kerry play in an All Ireland Final, there is a church gate collection carried out on the Sunday before the big game in aid of the players holiday fund.

I’m unsure if the players themselves are the ones carrying out this collection but I really really hope they are.

Jesus, I hope that’s a typo. Churches are places of worship, where people go to be at peace. A place where children can learn about God, the Bible, and much much more.

Or then again, in the words of Doug Stanhope: “With all the horrible, horrible shit that your priest is pumping into your kid’s head, his dick should be the least of your worries”.

A Frog Ward relation of X factor fame is now acting on Coronation Street.

Seamus Coleman is Dessie Farrell’s cousin

The club that wins the League of Ireland gets €100k in prizemoney

Meanwhile, John Delaney gets paid €400k a year.

Soccerball in Oireland is fucking jokeshop.


RTE reporter Jonathan Clynch identifies as gender fluid and will be known as Jonathan Rachel Clynch from now on.

Gender Fluid

:smile: WTF?


The Emperor’s New Clothes

Gender fluid? Well that explains glasagusban I guess. Fucking deviants.


He has periods where he considers himself a woman.


Don’t we all

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Belongs in the weird news stories thread surely. How long before he/she’s a Late Late guest?

Five days.