Things I learned today (Part 1)

I didn’t hear it, so no.


Limerick’s Vintners association president failed the bag last year before christmas, subsequently wasn’t prosecuted by the Gardai and now there’s an inquiry about to kick off.


Another paragraph in the Sindo today☺

Interesting the Sindo chose not to name him but the Times did

The Sindo weren’t that bothered, there’s a quarter final to play for today against the Italians sure.

Of the 30 man 2013 All Ireland minor football winning Mayo panel, there have been

5 hip surgeries
5 groin surgeries
4 knee surgeries
1 ankle surgery

Allied to sundry injuries such
Broken fingers
Dislocated shoulders
Groin injuries
Tendonitis in knee
Hip joint injuries
Hamstring injuries
Chipped bones in feet

And one death, Darragh Doherty in a car accident, RIP.

The corner back Eddie something or other had his hip surgery on the same day as me in 2014. I thought my insurance cover ensured I would have a private room but the small print said a “shared private room” or something a bit contradictory. I ended up sharing with this youngster and his auld lad was an absolute annoyance. Sat there with him all evening and arrived in very early the next morning - spent the entirety playing games on his phone with the sound on so you could hear all the sound effects of the game. This was very annoying when you’d just come out of surgery. Fuck Mayo football.


[quote=“Bandage, post:2129, topic:17423, full:true”]
The corner back Eddie something or other had his hip surgery on the same day as me in 2014. I thought my insurance cover ensured I would have a private room but the small print said a “shared private room” or something a bit contradictory. I ended up sharing with this youngster and his auld lad was an absolute annoyance. Sat there with him all evening and arrived in very early the next morning - spent the entirety playing games on his phone with the sound on so you could hear all the sound effects of the game. This was very annoying when you’d just come out of surgery. Fuck Mayo football.
[/quote]only someone as strong as you Bandage could endure that with dignity



I really wish I could give this an informative rating. It would be foolish to give it a ‘like’ in lieu of this and I know you wouldn’t like that. Fuck you rocko.

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I can’t post the article because glasagusban might get his Fallopian tubes in a knot again today.

I could pm it to you perhaps, unless spidey or dodgy keeper deign it ok for me to post it here?

Emmentaler or Emmental is a yellow, medium-hard cheese that originated in the area around Emmental, Switzerland. It is one of the cheeses of Switzerland, and is sometimes known as Swiss cheese. While the denomination “Emmentaler Switzerland” is protected, “Emmentaler” is not; as such, Emmentaler cheeses of other origins, especially from France and Bavaria, are widely available, and even Finland is an exporter of Emmentaler cheese.

Emmentaler has a savoury, but not very sharp taste. Three types of bacteria are used in the production of Emmentaler: Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus, and Propionibacterium freudenreichii. The large holes formed within the cheese are caused by a presence of hay particles which cause gradually larger holes when the cheese is being matured. Historically, the holes were a sign of imperfection, and until modern times, cheese makers would try to avoid them.Emmentaler cheese is used in a variety of dishes, including some types of pizza, and ravioli, where it is often accompanied by prosciutto.

In cooking, it is often put on top of gratins, or dishes which are put in the oven to let the cheese melt and become golden-brown and crusty. It is also used for fondue, in which case it is mixed with Gruyère cheese.

I bought a massive lump of this tack in France, to say it is unreal for cheese on toast is an understatement, this experience of this cheese has changed my life in ways I never thought possible, the elasticity is unreal when it is melted and the flavour…


ah throw it up there now

Fine but I expect you to have my back when the ‘Pink Patrol’ try to come down hard on me.


Earned nice post. Cmmmmmaaaaannnnn.

I got you over the line there, mate. I hope you don’t think your thoughtful Whatsapp message earlier played any role in my objective decision to like your post.

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That isle of man is the place to bank if you want to get caught out doing dodginess at the Irish taxpayers expense

“to say it is unreal for cheese on toast is an understatement, this experience of this cheese has changed my life in ways I never thought possible,”

I’m beginning to think this whole “changed my life in ways I never thought possible” thing is a bit of a piss take. Say it ain’t so Tassotti.

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