Things I learned today (Part 1)

Thinly veiled ā€œI canā€™t believe @Juhniallio would diss me and my work colleaguesā€


Iā€™ve always found the staff very polite too. It is what is it, decent deli & Supermacs. Standard coffee or pay a little extra at the dedicated Coffee shop.

Plenty of space to park. Fuel prices are not mental either.

@Juhniallio is raving about fuck all it seems.

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Too fucking right. I make a smashing latte.

Iā€™ve always felt Midway was a cunt of a place as well, although the coffee shop is above average for such places.

Still, its got a Chicken Hut I guess.

Itā€™s got A chicken hut, not THE Chicken Hut


Iā€™m sure theyā€™re equally as good as each other.

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Donā€™t you fuckin dareā€¦


I always wondered what kind of lowlifes regularly dined at service stations in the middle of nowhere.

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Ah the Midway is basic enough really, a drop off point for people car pooling is all.

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And Iā€™m sure when you get removed from that watchlist, youā€™ll be able to experience them in person.


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akin to comparing one McDonalds to another, i would imagine.


Only on TFK would lads debate the merit of 2 service stops in the middle of fucking Laois. Get a grip of yourselves lads.


But itā€™s worthy of debate. Sure the midway one even had a conference centre. Fucking beat that!!!

Fuck sake, this place has a Limerick chippers thread, this conversation is only in the ha penny place really.

If this thread prevents another poster from the torture I had to endure on Sunday evening waiting for 25 minutes in the fucking Midway, waiting for shite chips, while surrounded by Cork people then it will have been worthwhile.


Could you not have driven on another hour to Limerick without your chips you fucking roaster?

Why would I have driven to Limerick when it was nowhere near my destination you fucktard?

Where was your destination? You were an hour from limerick, why didnā€™t you eat before you left? You were an hour from Dublin, you could have eaten there either. But no, you had to pull into a service station for chips like a stupid fucking roaster and then you had to log on here and complain about your ā€œexperienceā€.

The same reason most people use motorway service stations. Convenience.

Maybe when you are a big boy, have your own car and donā€™t have to rely on the ā‚¬10 bus to bring you to Dublin you will understand,