Things I learned today (Part 1)


Get back to fucking up the celeb spotting you Cashel rat.

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That there’s only drunk, belligerent chaps insulting each other here after the hours of 00.45am Irish time.

Right. I’m full. Completely. I’m off to bed to see can I get any. I highly doubt it.

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If you were any good you wouldn’t have retired the Dunph pal.

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What you on about you drunk?

Can you not remember your previous alias mate?

This is my first foray into posting on a food & well-being forum. Any likeness between this handle and former legends of this forum is flattering but there is no smoking gun proof of such.


You’re a gas man.

That man United are being sued by some of their official sponsors.


Not delivering on exposure guaranteed in contracts

They can have all the exposure they want in the championship next season. And sure @dodgy_keeper can sew a few patches onto his anorak

Nathan Carter is gay

Emily Bishop from Coronation Street is the real life mother of sports journalist Oliver Holt.


I can’t drink 12 pints of beer anymore without puking my ring up,

Alcohol is a mugs game.

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You naturally have a greater chance of getting a bad pint the more pints you drink. I puked all over myself a few months back after having around 19 pints one night and I suspect the 18th or 19th pint was probably the bad one. It’s rare I’d get a bad pint on a standard Friday when I’m having 11 or 12 pints of Becks in The 51.


I fucking pucked last night after getting a head of Budweiser piss into me. Went on the whiskey then though and it was all gud then. How is things this morning bandage and did you have a good few days?

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How’s the poor wife this morning?

@myboyblue was once given powers to adjudicate* on the celebrity deaths annual thread


Locke is rattled. Very very rattled. Piles will be along soon to give him a dig out but until then can we all look out for him?
