Things I learned today (Part 1)

I meant to leave out the Wexford bit. What’s wrong with a well prepared team being maximized?

Worse training and a shit game plan.

Did he say they were shit or that they didn’t take their football with the same degree of seriousness other counties did?

You’re completely missing the point.

Roscommon have shit players. Donegal didn’t have shit players, they had some very good players but their approach and discipline to things were way behind the top counties at that particular juncture.

You’re being a tool now for the sake of it.

Read the book if you want as it’s Kavanagh that you’re arguing with.

Please, for the love of God, stop!

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Huh. I was only clarifying what Kavanagh was saying.

Eh, first of all you came in here blowing your saxophone about Donegal and Roscommon being comparable cases which I have repeatedly stated are entirely different cases as Donegal had reached levels Roscommon never achieved before that and it was quite clear they had the players to be a serious team if they weren’t so indisclipined and took their football seriously.

Roscommon have taken no notable scalp at senior level in years and their problems would not seem to be borne out of lads missing training to go on the piss, like has been well documented with Donegal. They’re just an overhyped average bunch of footballers who have a tendency to down tools when the heat is on.

Apples and Oranges.

Now quit hiding behind your afterthought of Rory Kavanagh.

Read back there kid. I said ‘by their own admission’ in my original post.

Stop comparing apples and oranges.

@Rocko it’s happening again

That 90s babe Maria McKee wrote Fergal Sharkey’s classic 1985 number 1 “A good heart”

Actor Gene Kelly donated money to the IRA in the 70s.


Where did you learn that?


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And a Steelers fan; what a provo :ronnyroar:

Carlton Cole now plays for Celtic.

All the away teams in Serie A won today

Cork must be a hellhole to live in. Between

Corrupt “cops”
Lazy council workers (this may not be limited to there mind you)
Deviant sick weirdos (see cork weirdos thread)
Ignorant people who dont return texts or calls
People who skip ques (sic)
Talking loudly on their phones (Cork people in loud shocker)
Shite customer service
Ignorance to older people
Lads who won’t give out a bit of free advice

@ChocolateMice Come home mate, for the love of God come home.


Renua asked Brian Kerr to run for election for them.

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“A Good Heart” was written by McKee about her relationship with Benmont Tench, keyboardist with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.

Sharkey’s next single “You Little Thief” was written by Tench about McKee.