Things I learned today (Part 1)

Itā€™s probably well known, but I only learned it today.
Miguel Ɓngel Nadal formerly of Barcelona & Mallorca is Nadalā€™s Uncle.

I suspect the image below will cause the likes of @Julio_Geordio to go into likebait overload

Who got the ā€œgreat postā€ @rocko?

Rocko himself with his likebait post about beating cancer


I can see @Julio_Geordio doing anything it takes to beat that. Anything.


Some effort from the 10 of us to log into all our accounts and like that post

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Who are the other 4 mate?

He is the other 4.

Nice topic should only be awarded after 1,000 posts on the thread and countless bizarre arguments. See the Terrorism thread for reference.

Rocko lapping up the easy likes. Not even a witty pun :rage:

Spinning is a dangerous form of exercise

The house always wins.

Actually I knew this but yknow.

There is a ā€œminiā€ Octoberfest style beer festival in Munich in April. Same fun with hotels at half the price as the October version

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You wouldnā€™t garner the same amount of ā€˜likesā€™ for social media postings from the April event though. Not worth the investment.


Mike Murphy is still alive


When did you think he died? Is this like croppy boy and Joe Cocker?

It had been that long that Iā€™d heard about him that I just assumed Iā€™d missed the news or forgotten about it. Is there a reason he hasnā€™t cropped up on some kind of RTE show in the last few years?

He had a gameshow on RTE over the christmas, Play it by Year I think it was.

He had given up the telly and become a very successful property developer. Iā€™m not sure whether he is still successful.

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