Things I learned today (Part 1)

The Scott brothers.

Coen Brothers

Wayan Brothers :grinning:

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Might be missing the critically acclaimed part there mate!

Coen Brothers.

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Who? Coen Brothers, surely.

Also Goldmans, Mankiewiczs, and there has to be more.

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Google transgender siblings there sure and come back and let us know how you get on

No way. Your knowledge of probability has let you down very badly.

The Nolan brothers.


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Itā€™s too late to clarify I meant famous transgender siblings, right?


Frig it anyway.

Tinder and pof in vancouver is riddled with trannies. You basically have to swipe left on every asian out of safety which rules out half the user database.

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its common courtesy to declare that in the modern world, it must be an awful backward place

The opposite, its hipster central second only to your current city. If you havenā€™t tattoos on your face and LGBT friends youā€™re not with it. The gay part of town was festooned with oirish flags around the time of ā€˜thatā€™ referendum. Im amazed generation gobshite over here didnā€™t hound with the news. Most do announce it on their profiles. Id just be afraid of catching the gay if i ever met one.


its only gay if you take it, sure you might like it

Millennials, isnā€™t it?

The mafia give fellas a pass for taking and giving cock when in prison. Same was portrayed in The Sopranos. @Phil_Leotardo was definitely a rug muncher while in the lock up and couldnā€™t make his peace with it on release.
