Things I learned today (Part 1)

yes very good. just got a bit a few minutes ago and the misses caught be rolling one. in the bad books im afraid

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Tracy Piggot was banging Larry Murphy.


Hard luck pal

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shit happens mate. she’ll be over it by Tuesday::smile:

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Daniel agger is fucked from taking anti inflammatory. He also thinks B rod is a cunt

I don’t think anti inflammatories were the problem drugs.

Daniel trotting out the official line. Always a good man for the line.


Jessica Springsteen, daughter of The Boss, lines out for Team USA in today’s Aga Khan Trophy in the RDS.

there is a Paedo ring in Cobh

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A lot of what you think is “cheese” (is that a correct use of parenthesis @glasagusban) is not cheese*

*this took two goes so it did not read *chess

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There is an excellent play centre for kids about a mile outside Longford on the athlone road. Along the lines of imaginosity in Sandyford. Highly recommended for anyone who ends up in Longford with small kids.

Suicide is the other option.


For fucks sake. That’s ott. Is Longford really that bad?

Oh yes it is. This is Longfords greatest cultural offering.

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That looks interesting, is there a subtitled version of it?

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Click on [CC]. Closed Captions the yanks call them.

The average human body contains enough bones to make an entire skeleton.


Davy Fitz is apparently an active onlooker on where a lovely polite thread has been set up asking him to politely fuck off for himself.

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