Things I learned today (Part 1)

you would think it would have been the other way around.

I think to this day Dublin is 50 years ahead of cark

fuck you

Jaysus. Tis like Mrs Trump abusing Michelle Obama for stealing her best lines.

That was common enough in West Limerick.

J P Clarkes in Bunratty does savage grub.

JP Clarkes in Manhattan also does savage grub


It does indeed, some of the best pub grub in the mid west. You should have said you were coming by Limerick and Iā€™d have put on a fish pie.

Peter Reidā€™s grandfather was in the Ra

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That crocodiles have no life span. They do not die from old age.


Thereā€™s a blast from the past.

Good spot.

It appeared in few episodes of Mad Men I think.

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Just read up on this. Fascinating.

Ah hereā€¦ Yes, we were all on different times here in Ireland tooā€¦this has been well documented by @ChocolateMice When he proved that doesnā€™t exist.

A shuttlecock is made from the feathers of goose, but only feathers from the left wing as the feathers on the right wing donā€™t bind correctly

Do they buy them in bulk do you know?

Havenā€™t a flocking clue

Neither did the simpleton on RTƉ boring the life out of me at present.

I found out Orange Juice is pretty much bad for you. Too much sugar? For fucks sake, is there nothing out there thatā€™s healthy anymore. Iā€™v been sold a dud, Iā€™ve been drinking it to bate the band.

Itā€™s only going to end one way for you Iā€™m afraid.

Do the South Galway lads have any anecdotal evidence of the potentially lethal effects of over consumption of fruit juice?