Things I learned today (Part 1)

The football team were heavy on it for weeks before the Tipp game and subsequently shat themselves. That’s all we know.


The sports media basically ignored the fact that KK beat Clare in the Intermediate Hurling Final.

@Ambrose_McNulty would be the foremost expert on this type of thing. As far as I’d be aware, too much orange juice can cause jaundice as well as liver and kidney failure. Around 9 out 10 cases will die roaring. Children are especially susceptible if they’ve been bitten by a sceartan.

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Mickey Mouse game

I did not know that and looked it up just there. Very interesting.

Their body does not deteriorate with age.

They keep growing throughout their life, and if they don’t die from disease or from other predators, they will die from starvation as they need more and more food.

Makes since, they out lived the dinosaurs by 65 million years sure.

They’re on top of the food chain for reptiles…they’re around forever.

They say they are the ultimate predators and haven’t needed to evolve for years, but then your watching discovery and some slack jawed yokel is catching them by the boat load with a hook and you’d wonder how clever they can be


Is their being hunted by humans a relatively new thing. I saw a thing on telly recently where the leather was being used for handbags which were well north of ten grand.

@Horsebox has a pair of crocodile skin boots he wears to funerals


I’ve a pair of crocodile skin jocks I use playing hurlin.

Was it more effective than a hurl?

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Think you mean hurley but yeah it was in fairness. More practical…

Jimmy Nail had himself some crocodile shoes

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Was your man from Clara in goal for ya’s in the final ? Worst keeper I’ve ever set eyes on.

That a former employee of Coolmore stud wrote a book about his experiences there and coolmore are doing their best to stop sales of it.
Any take on this story @carryharry?

Yes pal. Correct. Mr Coolmore got an injunction to halt the print of said book.

But, after a raft of suicides in the area & the support for a mental awareness evening in Moyglass last year he has now performed a u turn. The fact that his empire is hated by every poor cunt of a farmer they are out bidding on land deals sees his popularity at rock bottom.

He is now supporting the book to look good seeing as everyone thinks they are cunts.


Supposed to be tame enough really. There’s a few places that were and might still be selling it under the counter.

A neighbour of mine worked down there years back and he mentioned something about a lad from Wexford that hung himself in the farm and he reckons there was something dodgy about it.

Now you have it. The bullying claim was obviously going to be vigoursly swept under a carpet. But as I said, between their land grabbing & the outpouring of support for the event in Moyglass they had to soften their stance.

What the fuck are they buying all the lad for? They own around 2 thousand acres at this stage. Have they a million horses or what?