Things I learned today (Part 1)

I learned that travellers have a thing called a ‘grabbing’ where single traveller women are in a field or a car park and the single traveller men go and grab the woman and that’s them going out with each other till they eventually marry. I learned this whilst at a buy and sell in Wexford Youths car park and an aul Molly goes to a younger Molly "ah sure you’d only be right for the grabbing, then my mate (who is not a traveller but heard of the grabbing before) explained it to me.

That caused a bit of a stir a few years ago when it featured on television, big gypsy wedding probably.
I’d be shocked if it wasn’t discussed at length here at the time.

Yeah everything usually is. Can’t see why people would be shocked by it though, I always thought they were into just solely arranged marriages, but if this grabbing thing is going then obviously not.

For the record, I’m not trying to be controversial here or anything. I’m on the fence when it comes to travellers, some of their ways I detest but in general they’ve done nothing on me and any I know or met come by as sound enough people. It all just comes by as fascinating to me I anything the ways they have.

Travellers are generally well regarded on here for their culture, music and traditional way of life.


One TFK’er thinks a good traveller is a dead traveller which I found to be sickening. More sickening was the fact it wasn’t deleted nor poster banned.


Who said that :eek:


No facker leaves here til we find the cant who did that.

Sounds like you’ve had zero traveller interactions in your sheltered existence.

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Which is hard to believe given Wexford is full of the cunts


That if I fold a piece of paper in half 42 times it’s thickness will reach the moon and 94 folds will stretch to the limit of the visible universe, thank fuck I wasn’t stoned when I discovered this.


Exponents and the power of exponential growth

It’s fucked up beyond all belief, I asked my wife to guess what 100 folds would look like, she guessed about a metre, she has a science degree and an A in leaving cert honours maths. in fact it is 800000000000000 (eight hundred thousand billion) times the distance between the earth and the sun.

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What if you got a heavy iron and went over it it few times after each fold


I’m calling this as gobbledygook

That’s your prerogative, I’ll leave it to yourself to check it out.

That iron wouldn’t be much use once you’d gone beyond the top of Mount Everest after the 20th fold.

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You can’t fold paper more than seven times.

Edit: some dicks somewhere folded paper 13 times to make a point.

Clickbait McGregor was “fighting” again last night and lost again.

I thought he had retired?

Somebody’s been googling this I see.:smile:
The record for a human being is actually 12