Things I learned today (Part 1)

Thatā€™s where I heard it, fucking ridiculous stuff, the bits about his watch and time, Jesus!

That was quality stuff alright

That I might be better off NOT drinking whiskey in large quantities, Iā€™ve been told that by my employers, gardai, the committee of the local Gaa club, my wife, her parents, and numerous others.
Fuck them. Iā€™ve a big fancy bottle of stuff hidden in the garage, Iā€™m gonna slip in to the bath now for a soak*

  • more whisky.

Itā€™s killing me to open it though as I vowed Iā€™d keep it for a special occasion. Itā€™s a north Dublin blend I think. Looks the biz anyway if memory serves me right. I hid it there about 2 years ago.


Stop telling lies



Ya thatā€™s the part I was talking about. Have a word with yourself.

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I will do buddy. As Im sipping a single malt. Ensconced in the privacy of the en suite bath with, I think, The kings of Leon playing on Spotify as I soak in a hot bath.
Only bother is though Iā€™d fight with myself after more than 5 whiskers.

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Iā€™d say thatā€™s a lovely drop. Enjoy.


Thats a clamping

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Ah yeah. Sure @fistoffury is a dumb cunt though so itā€™s a bit like beating up a dwarf.
Not sure what height @fistoffury is but Iā€™d hammer the cunt either way.

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Especially if you had a few whiskeys on board

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Big time. Iā€™d fucikg tattoo him in the blink of an eye.

Bubbles fuck a phone up big time. The brotherā€™s kids were blowing bubbles yesterday and some of them went on the phone (which was even in one of those otter cases). His phone is now fuck ed. The site. Has crashed and the battery keeps heating up then turning off the phone.

Did they get some on your phone too?

The live traffic info on Google Maps is generated by them assessing how many phones are on a particular bit of road at any given time and the speed they are going at/how long they are stationary.




And I bet they have analysis on what these phone users are doing in traffic. Making work calls. Calling home. Facebook. Porn. Tfk. Etc