Things I learned today (Part 1)

Lads who work as Guinness tasters are not allowed drive themselves and are assigned 24/7 drivers


That’s a fantastic fact. Where did you learn that.

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@farmerinthecity has it handy

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Pal of mine just told me that. He did the connoisseur tour with the tasters. Said even when they go on holiday they have them. It would be bad for the brand to be caught drink driving is the logic.

Is that just taxi expenses?


Lynda Block is on Coronation Street

Aldi sell absolute wanks of yokes to assemble. ( I wouldn’t fit me weed in it - took fucking hours )

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I’d say you’re a bit like this har

Assembled it alright but an Electric Drill would have been easier.

You must have some amount of weed

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Brave man tackling any of that shite,guy I met on a job last year that’s his full time job assembling that ,I’d sooner eat my arse


Significant’ costs racked up as brothers who had injury claims thrown out appeal to High Court

Amy Molloy

21 May 2019 12:47 PM

We’re in deep shite,the Roma gypsies and our own diddie coys have joined forces in fraudulent car crash claims,as if we weren’t bad enough

Jane Horgan Jones Labour Councillor and presumably Jack Horgan Jones journalist are the offspring of Labour eminence grise and historian John Horgan. I know this because John is on the bus behind me talking to a chap about campaigning for Jane. I’m on the 31. John got on in Clontarf.

There is an absolute looney tunes sitting opposite me that I am doing my damnedest not a o make eye contact with which is Why I am typing so intently.


The free travel must be great for you.


Is he a dublinhurlingman?

No this chap got on the bus. Sat down, rearranged his undercarriage with his hand down the front of his trousers for a spell. Took a pink stuffed rabbit (toy) out of his bag and screamed abuse at it and then proceeded to listen to Barney type tunes for the remainder of his journey.


Did he accuse the rabbit being ‘alt right’ and/or of ‘gaslighting’?