Things I learned today (Part 1)

The story goes that the Sultan had wanted to send Ā£10,000 but was informed he would have to send less than Queen Victoria who had sent Ā£2,000.

Not wanting to ruin a good story but itā€™s based on the town crest which predates the famine

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So @Lazarus has been telling porkies on tā€™internet. A duplicious individual. For shame.

To be Pedantic I believe you can exit but not enter.

In the golden days I entered a couple of back lanes* after Cafe en Seine.

*i never actually did

OMG God. Iā€™m in Cafe Insane now.

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So am I.


Devon Island, just off Baffin Island in the Arctic Archipelago, is the largest uninhabited island in the world. It is roughly the size of Croatia.

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John McDonnell MP and Brian Eno attended the same private school.

In the 1979 British general election the Tory candidate Terry Dicks lost out in the Bristol south constituency to Labours Michael Cocks


Privately educated Labour communications genius Seamas Milne is the son of former BBC Chairman Alasdair Milne, sacked by Margaret Thatcher.

Billy in the Bowl who is mentioned in The Pogues song The Sickbed of Cuchulainn was a disabled beggar known as The Stoneybatter Strangler. He killed at least one woman and assaulted and robbed numerous more in the Stoneybatter area in the 1780s. He had no legs and pushed himself around in a large bowl with wheels hence the nickname. He was eventually caught when a woman he was attacking stabbed him in the eye with a hat pin.



Would the fact the assailant had no legs and escaped in a bowl not have given the cops a lead?


It was the 1700s, no one had legs


Ah lovely :clap:

Irish cops being absolutely fucking useless is obviously not just a recent phenomenon.


A fairly accurate summation of TFK posters but why is it in a paper?

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Something David McWilliams posted on Twitter but gave no reference.

Ah it must be from his new book. ā€œWestern Ireland Manā€ Is the new breakfast roll man