Things I learned today (Part 1)

Wahey!!! A belter.


The japs had a right old knees up on one of their aircraft carriers shortly after Pearl harbour

Sake never happenedā€¦ā€¦

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Pearl harbour?

That was a joke Mike.
Are you still on the meds?

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Iā€™m home kid. But to answer your question, yes. Im on the hillbilly heroin for about a week


Informative rating.

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A few women whoā€™d Iā€™ve a fair bit of trust of their opinion proclaim her ā€œAsking for itā€ book/play/whatevs as being a very important/good aul story well-told.

As a man who never forced any issue with girls, but who also won a Common Wealth Games Silver Medal for finger-banging in college I recommend the above.


The logo for Chupa Chups lollipops was designed by Salvatore Dali.


No disgrace in coming second to famous Belfast gardener Craig Walker

My mind is blown lads. Fucking blown.

Charley Haugheys grandniece swims for Hong Kong and is in contention for a medal!? ! What the actual fuck lads!
Bernadette Siobhan Haughey

Kelly Clarkson earns $1.5M a month.

dollars?? i thought she was adding a lot of pounds

How so?

Apparently Ireland tried to get her to swim for us but they hadnā€™t enough brown envelopes.

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$14m a year from American The Voice and a lot of astute investment in property over the years

The husband is taking her to court for alimony. Tbf heā€™s earned it

Porta pottys in Dubai and female Irish ā€˜influencersā€™


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Great news