Things I learned today (Part 1)

Joe Canning scored 2-4 off John Kiely in a club challenge game in 2004 above in Portumna. Kiely smashed his hurl off a concrete wall after he got the finger after 20 minutes…


He took him for 2-4 in 20 minutes?

He did… Or so I was told anyway.

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So that’s where Graham Mulcahy picked it up from


Lads have walked away entirely for less


Where did you get that from?

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They’d a brother Tommy who was better only for the drink

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Twas from an interview with guy running Frank Ryan’s pub down there

I’d say that’s an owl yarn. Sure Frank Ryan’s isn’t even in Stoneybatter.

A stones throw

Frank Ryan’s is in Smithfield. Stoneybatter only goes from Peacocks/Kavanaghs to the Belfry. Sure the markets he was on about were never considered to be part of Stoneybatter - they were Prussia Street, where Drumalee is now. There is a lot of imaginary stretching of Stoneybatter now because it is cool. A bit like Glasnevin in days gone by.

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When did it become peacocks ?

Stoney batter came from Bothar na gloch

Stone road = stoney bothar


About 25 years ago iirc. MBB is better placed to confirm or deny. Paycock is an absolute legend.

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Sorry I thought he meant it was called peacocks … so it’s the peacocks who run Kavanaghs… got it .

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Noel is good people. He helped me out once. I’ll say no more.

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Keep schtum about that.

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It was Gerry Kavanaghs pub originally. Gerry who also had Kavanaghs on the Malahide road. Noel Peacock bought it off of him 25-30 years ago. Tommy O’Gara who owns Tommy’s further down the road was originally a barman there