Things I learned today (Part 1)

In the last 10 senior football championships, Donegal and Tipperary have reached the semi finals the same amount of times - 2

Tipp are the barometer by which serious football counties measure themselves against. Tyrone joined us on four All Irelands last weekend.

Mayo dream of matching ye

Iā€™d say we will have 5 before they will have 4.

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Chinese astronauts are called taikonauts.

I kid you nautā€¦

Are they subtly suggesting we re introduce capital punishment?

There is a global shortage of stages for the next couple of years. As in the stages they use for music gigs/festivals. And portaloos.


There is a global shortage of everything it would seem. And a global shortage of containers to ship them, ships to ship them on, and truck drivers to drive the containers at either end. Be an interesting few months


There is, however, a global surplus of attention seeking cunts carousing about the internet moaning and bitching about the injustices of the world. The ā€œwhereā€™s my free house typesā€
Thereā€™s a surplus of Sitka spruce, whins and rushes in Leitrim and not a word about it. Nowā€¦


I heard recently of a truck driver who has his own truck, being hired by a company who have 7 or 8 trucks sitting idle in their yard because they canā€™t get someone to drive them. Heā€™s paid well over the rate because heā€™s bringing his own truck, which they donā€™t need, but heā€™s told them to go and fuck otherwise.

While I was getting my coffee this morning I overheard two bidness owners in the shopping centre complaining they canā€™t hire workers at the moment. "I mean they are coming in telling me what hours they will work!!! and thatā€™s if I can get anyone at all!!!

The tables have turned. Workers unite etc. Iā€™d imagine offering more than minimum wage hasnā€™t crossed their minds


An awful surplus of the in my day we saved and bought our house types too, even though the rent to wage ratio was a fraction of what it is now and you could buy a house on 3 times one salary in those days. But tis all the useless millenials fault.


Yep. This will be the way for siund engineers and techies for music gigs in Ireland over the next year or two also.

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Sure try and get a tradesman to do a job. I can only imagine something niche.

I had a fella out to look at the fridge the other day, freezer part stopped working (only 4.5 years old they donā€™t make em like they used to) ā‚¬85 to have a look. Heā€™ll be back with the part next week, and another ā‚¬85 to put it in. Part was ā‚¬150. The fucking fridge was only a grand :joy: I was seriously considering fucking it out and there not a mark on it

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I thought you were some sort of economic wizard but Iā€™m revising my opinion. Youā€™ve coughed out, or will cough ā‚¬320 for a part for a fridge!!! A fridge or wan of them big f/f yokes but no matter. The bucko on the ā‚¬85 call-out is the winner here.
Thereā€™s lads would tell you that trades are a codā€¦ Youā€™d do 10 of those calls a dayā€¦

Stop. I was sussing him out. Heā€™d four small jobs as he called them that day after he left me. He wasnā€™t off the phone the whole time he was there with more jobs. The best thing you could do for a young fella these days is send him into a trade. They say the auld fixing trade is dying but if you are still in itā€¦


100% .I tried to give @Corksfinedtboy the steer with the lad but it was a no/no.
Iā€™m not advocating plastering or blocklaying cos youā€™d be bolloxed at 50 but carpenters or sparks are forever trades.


Iā€™d a plumber in the other day, giving it the poor mouth about the back and the knees, must be from carrying the wallet around


Ah look, you canā€™t blame a young lad either not to want the hardship, I wouldnā€™t do it myself, but thereā€™s a lot of money to be made in it.
A lot more than being a fucking fund accountant or something anyway, and a lot easier end up your own boss, which is what life is all about I think. itā€™s something that can travel the World too. I grew up with a few lads, hadnā€™t the brains for college, were making massive money as young fellas in the good times. Crash came, aha hereā€™s where the education comes in to its own says I, sure they fucked off to Australia and made even more money.
One of ems a blocklayer now and heā€™s back home with a few bob in the pocket, heā€™ll do handy jobs like build a wall out the front or a shed, not arsed with the hassle of a house. Maybe a week here or there and sure cash in hand, answering to no one, and no stress because people are only glad you turned up. Living the dream the bollox :joy:


A client is harder than any foreman or gangerman, a foreman or ganger is an employee. A client is spending their money.

Working for yourself is 100% harder than being an employee and the rewards are commensurate