Things I learned today (Part 1)

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Eoin Ɠ Broin and Lynn Boylan are husband and wife.

Ties into why Kilkenny are called the cats. I saw it in the telly there this evening.

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Alex Ferguson was joint manager of Scotland at the 1986 World Cup :man_shrugging:t2:

Donā€™t think he was joint manager, he was appointed interim manager after Jock Stein died, having been his assistant.


Liverpoolā€™s Caoimhaoin Kelleher is the brother of ex Celtic youth player Fiacre Kelleher.

I hadnā€™t realised heā€™d actually managed Scotland even on a temporary basis and at World Cup, I just found it bizarre that I hadnā€™t known it


Must have been some half time if it only ended in 1998.



Headshot in fact

A chimera cat is like the opposite of twin cats, its two cats in one.

Covid-19 could be a chimera virus, like a combination of two viruses.

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Shirley McLaine had a long running affair with Louis Mountbatten.

I would of thought she was a bit old for him.


Itā€™s a strange one alright, he being 34 years older than her. Heā€™d have been in his sixties and she in her twenties. Throw the Atlantic Ocean between them and adding the term ā€œlong runningā€ it all seems a bit unlikely.

MacLaine has claimed that, in a previous life in Atlantis,she was the brother to a 35,000-year-old spirit named Ramtha channeled by American mystic teacher and author J. Z. Knight.

She also claims victims of the Holocaust were experiencing results of their own karma, cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy.

The above two quotes are from wiki. A lively imagination has Shirley.

She took the business in Nakatomi plaza badly


Thatā€™s a fantastic descriptive interview

By God.

Your views on face masks decide which side of the political spectrum you fall on.