Things I learned today (Part 2)

Postman Pat’s full name is Patrick Clifton.


Thank fuck I never have to watch that shite again.

They use a process called cloud seeding in the UAE to make rainfall out of the cloud cover

Michael Carrick has a lovely new Bentley saloon that looks like a Volkswagen Passat**

**Whoever is living in his house does anyway. Tinted windows meant I couldn’t see in the car properly.

It’s soul destroying when you find yourself singing the theme songs to these shows mindlessly in the car and the childer not even with you. I have the bridge section of Postman Pat nearly nailed now, I hit the right note at the start 80% of the time.

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Don’t speak too soon.

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It’s no be Pingu that’s for sure.

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Forward this message onto hopper please flatty

The sister rang there in the week to fill me in on the day’s tribulations. I asked was hopper causing any bother.
"Not in the slightest bit,"she said, “he’s grand to have round the place.”
“He would eat anything though, he came in the last day late, and ate 4 massive jumbo venison sausages”
“I couldn’t believe that he ate them all” she said
“How do you eat all of them at once?” And he halfway down the last one.
“It’s a bad day”, he replied “to be a venison sausage”


Prawn cat food and venison sausages. I’ve never had either.
What are the venison sausages like?

I dunno, this was in Galway.
The cat is some piece of work. Decided it would only ate fish cat food. Now it won’t eat the salmon one. Even won’t eat prawns sometimes which herself feeds it regularly. It won’t be picked up or sit on your lap, but does like being in the room with you. There’s these catlick things in Aldi it loves so much it literally drools all over you whilst you’re trying to get it open. Herself insists I feed it one every evening as she doesn’t want dribble on her clothes.
If it doesn’t get what it wants, it looks you straight in the eye, and starts scratching the carpet.
It’s a vicious little bugger. She looks like she had a go at slashing her wrist after yesterday.
She’s trying the desensitizing thing where I have to chase it, pick it up, and wrap it in a blanket on her lap so she can kiss it. :thinking::roll_eyes:
It absolutely hates this.


The cat is gonna drop a deuce on you when youre asleep

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I’ll drop one on it when it’s asleep and we’ll see who’s boss :slightly_smiling_face:


This is not a battle you can win flatty. Cats are way more calculating, devious and vengeance driven than you could sver aspire to

I’ve a significantly bigger deuce.

Jimmy Floyd H is part of the England set up :exploding_head:

That Omadhaun Wout Weghorst that Manchester United borrowed off Burnley plays full forward for Holland.

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Gimmelwald is a village in Switzerland accessible only by cablecar, so there’s no cars there.


It looks like a nice place.
Anybody ever been?