Things I learned today (Part 2)

Watson also was instrumental in getting David Feherty sober I read before @Fagan_ODowd

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In 1975, Ireland had 1 nun, brother or priest for every 148 citizens.

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Toto Cutugno was the lad that won it for Italy with a power ballad called ‘Insieme:1992’. The ‘1992’ referring to the soon to be established European Union.
Cutugno co-presented the song contest the following year despite having about four words of English. His lady co-presenter spoke in English and he translated back in Italian all night. It was gas.

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Plus, the final was a tie between Sweden and France and they lost their shit trying to work out who had won - Sweden, after a countback having received more douze points

The French singer was gorgeous.


There was a piece in Times on Daturday about a new book on Feberty and it covers Watson helping Feherity

It was all uphill for Feherty after that.

Watched a few episodes of Feherty before, strange man. Very weird show.

Santi Cazorla went back to play for his home town club Oviedo for minimum wage (cc @Jordan Henderson)


Did you have a few yourself typing that?


Coprophagia is the term for a dog eating it’s own shit.


I know lots of lads who eat their own shit if they could.

I’m not surprised.


Often they are German middle aged men who like to wear leather underpants and black sleevless string vests, and are into “the lifestyle”

True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend

What’s stopping them?


2 girls and one cup

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Call the cops I’m off me chops


Vladivostok, Milwaukee and Perpignan are all on the same line of latitude.

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