Things I learned today (Part 2)

In a car, the bit above the boot is called a parcel shelf


Bjaysus. I did not know that. I learned something new today.

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Would you not just put it on the back seat and throw any additional ‘parcels’ on top of it?

My father was on the first ever Ryanair flight.


Not a fedora in sight.



There he is - the last lad getting on the plane. The fella in the well cut suit and Politburo glasses.


Class! Had you seen him in that footage previously? Must be a flood of thoughts seeing him on footage like that?

Ah that’s top class.

No id seen the manifest of the flight with his name on it in a documentary about Tony Ryan.


That is one of the coolest things that I’ve ever seen on here. £198 was an absolute fortune back then. Was that him with the beautifully positioned pocket handkerchief?

My oul fella always said that going to London back then was like going to Australia now, 24 hours traveling and a week’s wages.

People can say what they like about Ryanair and O’Leary as being cunts (and I disagree) but they have revolutionised air travel and made it accessible to the masses.


Absolutely one of the coolest things

No you only see his back and side profile. He wouldn’t have a pocket handkerchief type of guy - it think that was Alderman Davy Daniels.

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An Italian acquaintance said to me many moons ago that Ryanair did more for EU integration than the maastricht treaty

& more to destroy the planet too

The Waterford city crowd loved talking about councillors and aldermen. A fine mix of stickies and alternatives there in the 80s

We were a proper city then.

You’re the spit of him

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