Things I learned today (Part 2)

You never fail to amaze me pal.

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He played for them under Graham Taylor when they were never off Sportsnight for all the FA Cup replays they were involved in.

He played in that replay against Sheffield Wednesday best remembered for Kevin Pressman’s penalty in the shoot out. Wolves won.

De Wolf was the archetype of a particular type of central defender who was frequently given the adjective “rugged”.


He was great on Gladiators too

One of the great penalty competitions, it had everything.

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In WW2 the RAF and USAF pursued very different bombing strategies.

The RAF engaged in night time indiscriminate area bombing and the USAF engaged in the far more dangerous day time precision bombing.

The USAF had developed a very advanced bombsight (Norden) that was developed with as
Much secrecy as the atomic bomb.

No surprise given Biggles have no history of ever hitting a target

Sean Boylan’s father (also Sean) was a Commandant General in the Free State Army during the Civil War. He was military governor of the prison camp in the Curragh.

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My dad used to visit boylan a good bit for some sort of alternative medicine but I always figured he used to go there just to talk about old gaa games. Maintained he was a seriously nice man.

I got seriously I’ll around 13 or 14 and he wanted
Me to go see him. I eventually got out of it but i remember he came home with can I only describe as a
Thick dyke water type syrup for me to take for a few weeks.


Anyone ever vist that auld lad in Carlow? Bonesetter.
Think hes dead now.

I think there was a few up there.

There was a Reynolds lad up there, one of our club men used to swear by him.

Danny neil I think.
He owned the horse Danoli.

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A fucking hatchet man

Rough as a bears arse but he sorted my SI joint a few years ago.
Hands on him like shovels.

A great fella. Honest as you like and an actual gift.

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He was a big age when Sean was born IIRC

67 I make it.

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I think he had some potion for the gout back in the day that my auld lad tried out (did fuckall for him).

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He was a charlatan and a shyster

This lad was the real deal


The auld lad went to him as a young teenager which was the early 60s. Sorted some issue with a wrist. Left a huge impression on him to this very day.

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